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# VpnCloud for Windows
## Toolchain
**Setup toolchain:**
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
rustup toolchain install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
apt-get install mingw64
**Cross-compile with:**
cargo build --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
## Problems
### Running VpnCloud
- Library "daemonize" does not compile
- Windows uses "Services" instead of daemonized processes
- Library "privdrop" does not compile
- Is dropping privileges in Windows services even a thing?
- Library "signal" does not compile
- Windows services work differently, no Ctrl-C handling needed
- Normal Windows programs can't stay active when the user logs out
**Potential solution:**
- Wrap VpnCloud as Windows service
- https://github.com/mullvad/windows-service-rs
- Do not support dropping privileges or daemonizing under Windows
- Only use Ctrl-C handling under Linux
### Polling solution
- Epoll is Linux only
- RawFd is Unix only
**Potential solution:**
Use multi-threading to remove the need to wait on multiple events at the same time:
- One thread waits on the device and sends to the socket
- One thread waits on the socket and sends to the device and handles the control traffic
Problems to solve:
- Synchronization is slow
- Do not use locking in hot code, cache shared data locally and synchronize periodically
- Find out if this is faster/slower than current solution
### Tun/Tap devices
Tun/Tap works completely different on Windows
- Drivers need to be signed by Microsoft, complicated process
**Potential solution:**
Use existing Tun & Tap drivers:
- (Old) TapWindows from OpenVPN project
- https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/GettingTapWindows
- https://github.com/Tazdevil971/tap-windows
- (New) WinTun from Wireguard
- https://www.wintun.net/
### Configuration
- Windows users are not used to write config files and execute commands
- Windows setup is more complicated than in Linux (install Drivers, register Services, etc.)
**Potential solution:**
- Create configuration UI