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Point-to-Point Tutorial


  • Connect several single nodes via a VPN
  • Nodes should be able to reach each others even through NATs
  • Traffic should be secured with a password
  • Nodes should be accessible by IP addresses and names like NODE.myvpn


To be able to set up the VPN, at least one node needs to be reachable by an unchanging address of hostname. This is normally not the case with common DSL uplinks (they change addresses every day). To mitigate this problem and get a fixed hostname, there are services called dynamic DNS or short DDNS. There are lots of different DDNS services, some are free, some cost money. Most of those services provide a common API that can be used by freely available tools to update the address whenever it changes. Mainstream DSL routers have built-in clients for this API so nothing has to be installed to set up DDNS.

Besides this unchanging address, a port has to be opened for VpnCloud. This has to be done in the settings of the DSL router. The default port for VpnCloud is 3210. This process is different for every router but it usually can be found under the name of "Port forwarding" or "Exposed ports" (not "exposed host").


The actual VpnCloud setup is pretty simple.

A new network config in /etc/vpncloud has to be created on each node. There is an example file to start with in /etc/vpncloud/example.net.

$> sudo cp /etc/vpncloud/example.net /etc/vpncloud/mynet.net

Now that file has to edited to change a few values:

$> sudo nano /etc/vpncloud/mynet.net

The following values have to be modified:

  • PEERS: This is a list of all peers that this node should connect to. Only unchanging addresses can be used here. Several addresses can be appended and separated by spaces like "node1.dyndns.org:3210 node2.dyndns.org:3210". All nodes that have an unchanging address should be listed here.

  • SHARED_KEY: This is a shared password for all nodes that secures the communication. It must be the same on all nodes and of course it should be a strong password.

  • IFUP: ifconfig $IFNAME 10.0.0.X/24 mtu 1400 where X is different for every node. It is good idea to use incrementing numbers here and to track the assigned numbers and nodes in a list.

  • ENABLED: This needs to be set to 1 when everything is finished so the network is started automatically.

After the config file has been set up correctly, VpnCloud needs to be restarted:

$> sudo /etc/init.d/vpncloud restart

Finally, on each host the names of the nodes should by associated with their address. This can be done by editing /etc/hosts:

$> sudo nano /etc/hosts

For each node a line with NAME.myvpn 10.0.0.X needs to be added.

Testing the network

When everything has been setup properly, the connection can be checked using the ping command:

$> ping NAME.myvpn