
847 lines
25 KiB

use prelude::*;
use std::path::Path;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::mem;
use std::cmp::min;
use fuse;
use users::{self, Users, Groups};
use time::Timespec;
use libc;
macro_rules! fuse_try(
($val:expr, $reply:expr) => {
match $val {
Ok(val) => val,
Err(err) => {
info!("Error: {:?}", err);
return $reply.error(libc::EIO);
macro_rules! str(
($val:expr, $reply:expr) => {
match $val.to_str() {
Some(val) => val,
None => {
info!("Error: Name is not valid unicode");
return $reply.error(libc::ENAMETOOLONG);
macro_rules! inode(
($slf:expr, $num:expr, $reply:expr) => {
match $slf.get_inode($num) {
Some(inode) => inode,
None => {
info!("Error: Inode not found: {}", $num);
return $reply.error(libc::EBADF)
macro_rules! lookup(
($slf:expr, $parent:expr, $name:expr, $reply:expr) => {
match fuse_try!($slf.get_child(&$parent, $name), $reply) {
Some(inode) => inode,
None => {
info!("Error: Child node not found: {} -> {}", $parent.borrow().num, $name);
return $reply.error(libc::ENOENT)
fn convert_file_type(kind: FileType) -> fuse::FileType {
match kind {
FileType::Directory => fuse::FileType::Directory,
FileType::File => fuse::FileType::RegularFile,
FileType::Symlink => fuse::FileType::Symlink,
FileType::BlockDevice => fuse::FileType::BlockDevice,
FileType::CharDevice => fuse::FileType::CharDevice,
FileType::NamedPipe => fuse::FileType::NamedPipe,
type FuseInodeRef = Rc<RefCell<FuseInode>>;
pub struct FuseInode {
num: u64,
inode: Inode,
parent: Option<FuseInodeRef>,
children: HashMap<String, FuseInodeRef>,
chunks: Option<ChunkList>,
name_cache: Rc<users::UsersCache>,
user_names: Rc<HashMap<u32, String>>,
group_names: Rc<HashMap<u32, String>>
impl FuseInode {
pub fn to_attrs(&self) -> fuse::FileAttr {
let mut uid = self.inode.user;
if let Some(name) = self.user_names.get(&self.inode.user) {
if let Some(user) = self.name_cache.get_user_by_name(name) {
uid = user.uid();
let mut gid = self.inode.group;
if let Some(name) = self.group_names.get(&self.inode.group) {
if let Some(group) = self.name_cache.get_group_by_name(name) {
gid = group.gid();
fuse::FileAttr {
ino: self.num,
size: self.inode.size,
blocks: self.inode.size / 512,
atime: Timespec::new(self.inode.timestamp, 0),
mtime: Timespec::new(self.inode.timestamp, 0),
ctime: Timespec::new(0, 0),
crtime: Timespec::new(0, 0),
kind: convert_file_type(self.inode.file_type),
perm: self.inode.mode as u16,
nlink: 1,
uid: uid,
gid: gid,
rdev: self.inode.device.map_or(
|(major, minor)| (major << 8) + minor
flags: 0
pub fn dir_list(&self) -> Option<Vec<(u64, fuse::FileType, String)>> {
if self.inode.file_type != FileType::Directory {
return None;
let mut list = Vec::with_capacity(self.children.len() + 2);
list.push((self.num, fuse::FileType::Directory, ".".to_string()));
if let Some(ref parent) = self.parent {
let parent = parent.borrow();
list.push((parent.num, fuse::FileType::Directory, "..".to_string()));
} else {
list.push((self.num, fuse::FileType::Directory, "..".to_string()));
for ch in self.children.values() {
let child = ch.borrow();
pub struct FuseFilesystem<'a> {
next_id: u64,
repository: &'a mut Repository,
inodes: HashMap<u64, FuseInodeRef>
impl<'a> FuseFilesystem<'a> {
pub fn new(repository: &'a mut Repository) -> Result<Self, RepositoryError> {
Ok(FuseFilesystem {
next_id: 1,
repository: repository,
inodes: HashMap::new()
pub fn from_repository(
repository: &'a mut Repository,
path: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<Self, RepositoryError> {
let mut backups = vec![];
let backup_map = match path {
Some(path) => try!(repository.get_backups(path)),
None => try!(repository.get_all_backups()),
for (name, backup) in backup_map {
let inode = try!(repository.get_inode(&backup.root));
backups.push((name, backup, inode));
let mut fs = try!(FuseFilesystem::new(repository));
let root = fs.add_virtual_directory("".to_string(), None);
for (name, backup, mut inode) in backups {
let mut parent = root.clone();
for part in name.split('/') {
parent = match fs.get_child(&parent, part).unwrap() {
Some(child) => child,
None => fs.add_virtual_directory(part.to_string(), Some(parent)),
let mut parent_mut = parent.borrow_mut();
inode.name = parent_mut.inode.name.clone();
parent_mut.inode = inode;
parent_mut.user_names = Rc::new(backup.user_names);
parent_mut.group_names = Rc::new(backup.group_names);
pub fn from_backup(
repository: &'a mut Repository,
backup: Backup,
) -> Result<Self, RepositoryError> {
let inode = try!(repository.get_inode(&backup.root));
let mut fs = try!(FuseFilesystem::new(repository));
fs.add_inode(inode, None, backup.user_names, backup.group_names);
pub fn from_inode(
repository: &'a mut Repository,
backup: Backup,
inode: Inode,
) -> Result<Self, RepositoryError> {
let mut fs = try!(FuseFilesystem::new(repository));
fs.add_inode(inode, None, backup.user_names, backup.group_names);
pub fn add_virtual_directory(
&mut self,
name: String,
parent: Option<FuseInodeRef>,
) -> FuseInodeRef {
Inode {
name: name,
file_type: FileType::Directory,
pub fn add_inode(
&mut self,
inode: Inode,
parent: Option<FuseInodeRef>,
user_names: HashMap<u32, String>,
group_names: HashMap<u32, String>,
) -> FuseInodeRef {
let inode = FuseInode {
inode: inode,
num: self.next_id,
parent: parent.clone(),
chunks: None,
children: HashMap::new(),
user_names: Rc::new(user_names),
group_names: Rc::new(group_names),
name_cache: Rc::new(users::UsersCache::new())
let name = inode.inode.name.clone();
let inode = Rc::new(RefCell::new(inode));
self.inodes.insert(self.next_id, inode.clone());
if let Some(parent) = parent {
parent.borrow_mut().children.insert(name, inode.clone());
self.next_id += 1;
pub fn mount<P: AsRef<Path>>(self, mountpoint: P) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> {
pub fn get_inode(&mut self, num: u64) -> Option<FuseInodeRef> {
pub fn get_child(
&mut self,
parent: &FuseInodeRef,
name: &str,
) -> Result<Option<FuseInodeRef>, RepositoryError> {
let mut parent_mut = parent.borrow_mut();
if let Some(child) = parent_mut.children.get(name) {
return Ok(Some(child.clone()));
let child;
if let Some(chunks) = parent_mut.inode.children.as_ref().and_then(|c| c.get(name)) {
child = Rc::new(RefCell::new(FuseInode {
num: self.next_id,
inode: try!(self.repository.get_inode(chunks)),
parent: Some(parent.clone()),
children: HashMap::new(),
chunks: None,
user_names: parent_mut.user_names.clone(),
group_names: parent_mut.group_names.clone(),
name_cache: parent_mut.name_cache.clone()
self.inodes.insert(self.next_id, child.clone());
self.next_id += 1;
} else {
return Ok(None);
parent_mut.children.insert(name.to_string(), child.clone());
pub fn fetch_children(&mut self, parent: &FuseInodeRef) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> {
let mut parent_mut = parent.borrow_mut();
let mut parent_children = HashMap::new();
mem::swap(&mut parent_children, &mut parent_mut.children);
if let Some(ref children) = parent_mut.inode.children {
for (name, chunks) in children {
if !parent_mut.children.contains_key(name) {
let child = Rc::new(RefCell::new(FuseInode {
num: self.next_id,
inode: try!(self.repository.get_inode(chunks)),
parent: Some(parent.clone()),
children: HashMap::new(),
chunks: None,
user_names: parent_mut.user_names.clone(),
group_names: parent_mut.group_names.clone(),
name_cache: parent_mut.name_cache.clone()
self.inodes.insert(self.next_id, child.clone());
self.next_id += 1;
parent_children.insert(name.clone(), child);
mem::swap(&mut parent_children, &mut parent_mut.children);
pub fn fetch_chunks(&mut self, inode: &FuseInodeRef) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> {
let mut inode = inode.borrow_mut();
let mut chunks = None;
match inode.inode.data {
None |
Some(FileData::Inline(_)) => (),
Some(FileData::ChunkedDirect(ref c)) => {
chunks = Some(c.clone());
Some(FileData::ChunkedIndirect(ref c)) => {
let chunk_data = try!(self.repository.get_data(c));
chunks = Some(ChunkList::read_from(&chunk_data));
inode.chunks = chunks;
impl<'a> fuse::Filesystem for FuseFilesystem<'a> {
/// Look up a directory entry by name and get its attributes.
fn lookup(&mut self, _req: &fuse::Request, parent: u64, name: &OsStr, reply: fuse::ReplyEntry) {
let sname = str!(name, reply);
let parent = inode!(self, parent, reply);
let child = lookup!(self, &parent, sname, reply);
let ttl = Timespec::new(60, 0);
let attrs = child.borrow().to_attrs();
reply.entry(&ttl, &attrs, 0)
fn destroy(&mut self, _req: &fuse::Request) {
/// Forget about an inode
/// The nlookup parameter indicates the number of lookups previously performed on
/// this inode. If the filesystem implements inode lifetimes, it is recommended that
/// inodes acquire a single reference on each lookup, and lose nlookup references on
/// each forget. The filesystem may ignore forget calls, if the inodes don't need to
/// have a limited lifetime. On unmount it is not guaranteed, that all referenced
/// inodes will receive a forget message.
fn forget(&mut self, _req: &fuse::Request, ino: u64, _nlookup: u64) {
info!("forget {:?}", ino);
/// Get file attributes
fn getattr(&mut self, _req: &fuse::Request, ino: u64, reply: fuse::ReplyAttr) {
let inode = inode!(self, ino, reply);
let ttl = Timespec::new(60, 0);
reply.attr(&ttl, &inode.borrow().to_attrs());
/// Set file attributes
fn setattr(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_ino: u64,
_mode: Option<u32>,
_uid: Option<u32>,
_gid: Option<u32>,
_size: Option<u64>,
_atime: Option<Timespec>,
_mtime: Option<Timespec>,
_fh: Option<u64>,
_crtime: Option<Timespec>,
_chgtime: Option<Timespec>,
_bkuptime: Option<Timespec>,
_flags: Option<u32>,
reply: fuse::ReplyAttr,
) {
/// Read symbolic link
fn readlink(&mut self, _req: &fuse::Request, ino: u64, reply: fuse::ReplyData) {
let inode = inode!(self, ino, reply);
let inode = inode.borrow();
match inode.inode.symlink_target {
None => reply.error(libc::EINVAL),
Some(ref link) => reply.data(link.as_bytes()),
/// Create a hard link
fn link(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_ino: u64,
_newparent: u64,
_newname: &OsStr,
reply: fuse::ReplyEntry,
) {
/// Create file node
/// Create a regular file, character device, block device, fifo or socket node.
fn mknod(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_parent: u64,
_name: &OsStr,
_mode: u32,
_rdev: u32,
reply: fuse::ReplyEntry,
) {
/// Create a directory
fn mkdir(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_parent: u64,
_name: &OsStr,
_mode: u32,
reply: fuse::ReplyEntry,
) {
/// Remove a file
fn unlink(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_parent: u64,
_name: &OsStr,
reply: fuse::ReplyEmpty,
) {
/// Remove a directory
fn rmdir(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_parent: u64,
_name: &OsStr,
reply: fuse::ReplyEmpty,
) {
/// Create a symbolic link
fn symlink(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_parent: u64,
_name: &OsStr,
_link: &Path,
reply: fuse::ReplyEntry,
) {
/// Rename a file
fn rename(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_parent: u64,
_name: &OsStr,
_newparent: u64,
_newname: &OsStr,
reply: fuse::ReplyEmpty,
) {
/// Open a file
/// Open flags (with the exception of O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_NOCTTY and O_TRUNC) are
/// available in flags. Filesystem may store an arbitrary file handle (pointer, index,
/// etc) in fh, and use this in other all other file operations (read, write, flush,
/// release, fsync). Filesystem may also implement stateless file I/O and not store
/// anything in fh. There are also some flags (direct_io, keep_cache) which the
/// filesystem may set, to change the way the file is opened. See fuse_file_info
/// structure in <fuse_common.h> for more details.
fn open(&mut self, _req: &fuse::Request, ino: u64, flags: u32, reply: fuse::ReplyOpen) {
if (flags & (libc::O_WRONLY | libc::O_RDWR | libc::O_TRUNC) as u32) != 0 {
return reply.error(libc::EROFS);
let inode = inode!(self, ino, reply);
fuse_try!(self.fetch_chunks(&inode), reply);
reply.opened(ino, libc::O_RDONLY as u32);
/// Read data
/// Read should send exactly the number of bytes requested except on EOF or error,
/// otherwise the rest of the data will be substituted with zeroes. An exception to
/// this is when the file has been opened in 'direct_io' mode, in which case the
/// return value of the read system call will reflect the return value of this
/// operation. fh will contain the value set by the open method, or will be undefined
/// if the open method didn't set any value.
fn read(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
ino: u64,
_fh: u64,
mut offset: u64,
mut size: u32,
reply: fuse::ReplyData,
) {
let inode = inode!(self, ino, reply);
let inode = inode.borrow();
match inode.inode.data {
None => return reply.data(&[]),
Some(FileData::Inline(ref data)) => {
return reply.data(
&data[min(offset as usize, data.len())..
min(offset as usize + size as usize, data.len())]
_ => (),
if let Some(ref chunks) = inode.chunks {
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(size as usize);
for &(hash, len) in chunks.iter() {
if len as u64 <= offset {
offset -= len as u64;
let chunk = match fuse_try!(self.repository.get_chunk(hash), reply) {
Some(chunk) => chunk,
None => return reply.error(libc::EIO),
assert_eq!(chunk.len() as u32, len);
&chunk[offset as usize..min(offset as usize + size as usize, len as usize)]
if len - offset as u32 >= size {
size -= len - offset as u32;
offset = 0;
} else {
/// Write data
fn write(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_ino: u64,
_fh: u64,
_offset: u64,
_data: &[u8],
_flags: u32,
reply: fuse::ReplyWrite,
) {
/// Flush method
fn flush(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_ino: u64,
_fh: u64,
_lock_owner: u64,
reply: fuse::ReplyEmpty,
) {
/// Release an open file
/// Release is called when there are no more references to an open file: all file
/// descriptors are closed and all memory mappings are unmapped. For every open
/// call there will be exactly one release call. The filesystem may reply with an
/// error, but error values are not returned to close() or munmap() which triggered
/// the release. fh will contain the value set by the open method, or will be undefined
/// if the open method didn't set any value. flags will contain the same flags as for
/// open.
fn release(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_ino: u64,
_fh: u64,
_flags: u32,
_lock_owner: u64,
_flush: bool,
reply: fuse::ReplyEmpty,
) {
/*if self.read_fds.remove(&fh).is_some() || self.write_fds.remove(&fh).is_some() {
} else {
/// Synchronize file contents
fn fsync(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_ino: u64,
_fh: u64,
_datasync: bool,
reply: fuse::ReplyEmpty,
) {
/// Open a directory, finished
fn opendir(&mut self, _req: &fuse::Request, ino: u64, _flags: u32, reply: fuse::ReplyOpen) {
let dir = inode!(self, ino, reply);
fuse_try!(self.fetch_children(&dir), reply);
reply.opened(ino, 0);
/// Read directory, finished
fn readdir(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
ino: u64,
_fh: u64,
offset: u64,
mut reply: fuse::ReplyDirectory,
) {
let dir = inode!(self, ino, reply);
let dir = dir.borrow();
if let Some(entries) = dir.dir_list() {
for (i, (num, file_type, name)) in entries.into_iter().enumerate() {
if i < offset as usize {
if reply.add(num, i as u64 + 1, file_type, &Path::new(&name)) {
} else {
/// Release an open directory, finished
fn releasedir(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_ino: u64,
_fh: u64,
_flags: u32,
reply: fuse::ReplyEmpty,
) {
/// Synchronize directory contents, finished
fn fsyncdir(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_ino: u64,
_fh: u64,
_datasync: bool,
reply: fuse::ReplyEmpty,
) {
/// Get file system statistics
fn statfs(&mut self, _req: &fuse::Request, _ino: u64, reply: fuse::ReplyStatfs) {
let info = self.repository.info();
info.raw_data_size / 512 as u64, //total blocks
0, //free blocks for admin
0, //free blocks for users
512 as u32, //block size
255, //max name length
/// Set an extended attribute
fn setxattr(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_ino: u64,
_name: &OsStr,
_value: &[u8],
_flags: u32,
_position: u32,
reply: fuse::ReplyEmpty,
) {
/// Get an extended attribute
fn getxattr(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
ino: u64,
name: &OsStr,
size: u32,
reply: fuse::ReplyXattr,
) {
let inode = inode!(self, ino, reply);
let inode = inode.borrow();
if let Some(val) = inode.inode.xattrs.get(&name.to_string_lossy() as &str) {
if size == 0 {
reply.size(val.len() as u32);
} else if size >= val.len() as u32 {
} else {
} else {
/// List extended attribute names
fn listxattr(&mut self, _req: &fuse::Request, ino: u64, size: u32, reply: fuse::ReplyXattr) {
let inode = inode!(self, ino, reply);
let inode = inode.borrow();
let mut names_str = String::new();
for name in inode.inode.xattrs.keys() {
if size == 0 {
return reply.size(names_str.len() as u32);
if size < names_str.len() as u32 {
return reply.error(libc::ERANGE);
/// Remove an extended attribute
fn removexattr(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_ino: u64,
_name: &OsStr,
reply: fuse::ReplyEmpty,
) {
/// Check file access permissions
/// This will be called for the access() system call. If the 'default_permissions'
/// mount option is given, this method is not called. This method is not called
/// under Linux kernel versions 2.4.x
fn access(&mut self, _req: &fuse::Request, _ino: u64, _mask: u32, reply: fuse::ReplyEmpty) {
/// Create and open a file
fn create(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_parent: u64,
_name: &OsStr,
_mode: u32,
_flags: u32,
reply: fuse::ReplyCreate,
) {
/// Test for a POSIX file lock
fn getlk(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_ino: u64,
_fh: u64,
_lock_owner: u64,
_start: u64,
_end: u64,
_typ: u32,
_pid: u32,
reply: fuse::ReplyLock,
) {
/// Acquire, modify or release a POSIX file lock
fn setlk(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_ino: u64,
_fh: u64,
_lock_owner: u64,
_start: u64,
_end: u64,
_typ: u32,
_pid: u32,
_sleep: bool,
reply: fuse::ReplyEmpty,
) {
/// Map block index within file to block index within device
fn bmap(
&mut self,
_req: &fuse::Request,
_ino: u64,
_blocksize: u32,
_idx: u64,
reply: fuse::ReplyBmap,
) {