mirror of https://github.com/dswd/zvault synced 2025-03-20 15:42:45 +00:00
Dennis Schwerdel 1aca00c027 Better errors
2017-04-11 09:22:36 +02:00

484 lines
18 KiB

use ::prelude::*;
use super::*;
use std::process::exit;
pub enum Arguments {
Init {
repo_path: String,
bundle_size: usize,
chunker: ChunkerType,
compression: Option<Compression>,
encryption: bool,
hash: HashMethod
Backup {
repo_path: String,
backup_name: String,
src_path: String,
full: bool,
reference: Option<String>
Restore {
repo_path: String,
backup_name: String,
inode: Option<String>,
dst_path: String
Remove {
repo_path: String,
backup_name: String,
inode: Option<String>
Prune {
repo_path: String,
prefix: String,
daily: Option<usize>,
weekly: Option<usize>,
monthly: Option<usize>,
yearly: Option<usize>,
force: bool
Vacuum {
repo_path: String,
ratio: f32,
force: bool
Check {
repo_path: String,
backup_name: Option<String>,
inode: Option<String>,
full: bool
List {
repo_path: String,
backup_name: Option<String>,
inode: Option<String>
Info {
repo_path: String,
backup_name: Option<String>,
inode: Option<String>
ListBundles {
repo_path: String
Import {
repo_path: String,
remote_path: String
Configure {
repo_path: String,
bundle_size: Option<usize>,
chunker: Option<ChunkerType>,
compression: Option<Option<Compression>>,
encryption: Option<Option<PublicKey>>,
hash: Option<HashMethod>
GenKey {
AddKey {
repo_path: String,
key_pair: Option<(PublicKey, SecretKey)>,
set_default: bool
AlgoTest {
file: String,
bundle_size: usize,
chunker: ChunkerType,
compression: Option<Compression>,
encrypt: bool,
hash: HashMethod
pub fn split_repo_path(repo_path: &str) -> (&str, Option<&str>, Option<&str>) {
let mut parts = repo_path.splitn(3, "::");
let repo = parts.next().unwrap();
let backup = parts.next();
let inode = parts.next();
(repo, backup, inode)
fn parse_num(num: &str, name: &str) -> u64 {
if let Ok(num) = num.parse::<u64>() {
} else {
error!("{} must be a number, was '{}'", name, num);
fn parse_float(num: &str, name: &str) -> f64 {
if let Ok(num) = num.parse::<f64>() {
} else {
error!("{} must be a floating-point number, was '{}'", name, num);
fn parse_chunker(val: &str) -> ChunkerType {
if let Ok(chunker) = ChunkerType::from_string(val) {
} else {
error!("Invalid chunker method/size: {}", val);
fn parse_compression(val: &str) -> Option<Compression> {
if val == "none" {
return None
if let Ok(compression) = Compression::from_string(val) {
} else {
error!("Invalid compression method/level: {}", val);
fn parse_public_key(val: &str) -> PublicKey {
let bytes = match parse_hex(val) {
Ok(bytes) => bytes,
Err(_) => {
error!("Invalid key: {}", val);
if let Some(key) = PublicKey::from_slice(&bytes) {
} else {
error!("Invalid key: {}", val);
fn parse_secret_key(val: &str) -> SecretKey {
let bytes = match parse_hex(val) {
Ok(bytes) => bytes,
Err(_) => {
error!("Invalid key: {}", val);
if let Some(key) = SecretKey::from_slice(&bytes) {
} else {
error!("Invalid key: {}", val);
fn parse_hash(val: &str) -> HashMethod {
if let Ok(hash) = HashMethod::from(val) {
} else {
error!("Invalid hash method: {}", val);
pub fn parse() -> Arguments {
let args = clap_app!(zvault =>
(version: crate_version!())
(author: crate_authors!(",\n"))
(about: crate_description!())
(@setting SubcommandRequiredElseHelp)
(@setting GlobalVersion)
(@setting VersionlessSubcommands)
(@setting UnifiedHelpMessage)
(@subcommand init =>
(about: "initializes a new repository")
(@arg bundle_size: --bundlesize +takes_value "maximal bundle size in MiB [default: 25]")
(@arg chunker: --chunker +takes_value "chunker algorithm [default: fastcdc/8]")
(@arg compression: --compression -c +takes_value "compression to use [default: brotli/3]")
(@arg encryption: --encryption -e "generate a keypair and enable encryption")
(@arg hash: --hash +takes_value "hash method to use [default: blake2]")
(@arg REPO: +required "path of the repository")
(@subcommand backup =>
(about: "creates a new backup")
(@arg full: --full "create a full backup")
(@arg reference: --ref +takes_value "the reference backup to use for partial backup")
(@arg SRC: +required "source path to backup")
(@arg BACKUP: +required "repository::backup path")
(@subcommand restore =>
(about: "restores a backup (or subpath)")
(@arg BACKUP: +required "repository::backup[::subpath] path")
(@arg DST: +required "destination path for backup")
(@subcommand remove =>
(about: "removes a backup or a subpath")
(@arg BACKUP: +required "repository::backup[::subpath] path")
(@subcommand prune =>
(about: "removes backups based on age")
(@arg prefix: --prefix +takes_value "only consider backups starting with this prefix")
(@arg daily: --daily +takes_value "keep this number of daily backups")
(@arg weekly: --weekly +takes_value "keep this number of weekly backups")
(@arg monthly: --monthly +takes_value "keep this number of monthly backups")
(@arg yearly: --yearly +takes_value "keep this number of yearly backups")
(@arg force: --force -f "actually run the prunce instead of simulating it")
(@arg REPO: +required "path of the repository")
(@subcommand vacuum =>
(about: "saves space by combining and recompressing bundles")
(@arg ratio: --ratio -r +takes_value "ratio of unused chunks in a bundle to rewrite that bundle")
(@arg force: --force -f "actually run the vacuum instead of simulating it")
(@arg REPO: +required "path of the repository")
(@subcommand check =>
(about: "checks the repository, a backup or a backup subpath")
(@arg full: --full "also check file contents")
(@arg PATH: +required "repository[::backup] path")
(@subcommand list =>
(about: "lists backups or backup contents")
(@arg PATH: +required "repository[::backup[::subpath]] path")
(@subcommand listbundles =>
(about: "lists bundles in a repository")
(@arg REPO: +required "path of the repository")
(@subcommand import =>
(about: "reconstruct a repository from the remote files")
(@arg REMOTE: +required "remote repository path")
(@arg REPO: +required "path of the local repository to create")
(@subcommand info =>
(about: "displays information on a repository, a backup or a path in a backup")
(@arg PATH: +required "repository[::backup[::subpath]] path")
(@subcommand configure =>
(about: "changes the configuration")
(@arg REPO: +required "path of the repository")
(@arg bundle_size: --bundlesize +takes_value "maximal bundle size in MiB [default: 25]")
(@arg chunker: --chunker +takes_value "chunker algorithm [default: fastcdc/16]")
(@arg compression: --compression -c +takes_value "compression to use [default: brotli/3]")
(@arg encryption: --encryption -e +takes_value "the public key to use for encryption")
(@arg hash: --hash +takes_value "hash method to use [default: blake2]")
(@subcommand genkey =>
(about: "generates a new key pair")
(@subcommand addkey =>
(about: "adds a key to the respository")
(@arg REPO: +required "path of the repository")
(@arg generate: --generate "generate a new key")
(@arg set_default: --default "set this key as default")
(@arg PUBLIC: +takes_value "the public key")
(@arg SECRET: +takes_value "the secret key")
(@subcommand algotest =>
(about: "test a specific algorithm combination")
(@arg bundle_size: --bundlesize +takes_value "maximal bundle size in MiB [default: 25]")
(@arg chunker: --chunker +takes_value "chunker algorithm [default: fastcdc/16]")
(@arg compression: --compression -c +takes_value "compression to use [default: brotli/3]")
(@arg encrypt: --encrypt -e "enable encryption")
(@arg hash: --hash +takes_value "hash method to use [default: blake2]")
(@arg FILE: +required "the file to test the algorithms with")
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("init") {
let (repository, backup, inode) = split_repo_path(args.value_of("REPO").unwrap());
if backup.is_some() || inode.is_some() {
println!("No backups or subpaths may be given here");
return Arguments::Init {
bundle_size: (parse_num(args.value_of("bundle_size").unwrap_or(&DEFAULT_BUNDLE_SIZE.to_string()), "Bundle size") * 1024 * 1024) as usize,
chunker: parse_chunker(args.value_of("chunker").unwrap_or(DEFAULT_CHUNKER)),
compression: parse_compression(args.value_of("compression").unwrap_or(DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)),
encryption: args.is_present("encryption"),
hash: parse_hash(args.value_of("hash").unwrap_or(DEFAULT_HASH)),
repo_path: repository.to_string(),
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("backup") {
let (repository, backup, inode) = split_repo_path(args.value_of("BACKUP").unwrap());
if backup.is_none() {
println!("A backup must be specified");
if inode.is_some() {
println!("No subpaths may be given here");
return Arguments::Backup {
repo_path: repository.to_string(),
backup_name: backup.unwrap().to_string(),
full: args.is_present("full"),
src_path: args.value_of("SRC").unwrap().to_string(),
reference: args.value_of("reference").map(|v| v.to_string())
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("restore") {
let (repository, backup, inode) = split_repo_path(args.value_of("BACKUP").unwrap());
if backup.is_none() {
println!("A backup must be specified");
return Arguments::Restore {
repo_path: repository.to_string(),
backup_name: backup.unwrap().to_string(),
inode: inode.map(|v| v.to_string()),
dst_path: args.value_of("DST").unwrap().to_string()
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("remove") {
let (repository, backup, inode) = split_repo_path(args.value_of("BACKUP").unwrap());
if backup.is_none() {
println!("A backup must be specified");
return Arguments::Remove {
repo_path: repository.to_string(),
backup_name: backup.unwrap().to_string(),
inode: inode.map(|v| v.to_string())
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("prune") {
let (repository, backup, inode) = split_repo_path(args.value_of("REPO").unwrap());
if backup.is_some() || inode.is_some() {
println!("No backups or subpaths may be given here");
return Arguments::Prune {
repo_path: repository.to_string(),
prefix: args.value_of("prefix").unwrap_or("").to_string(),
force: args.is_present("force"),
daily: args.value_of("daily").map(|v| parse_num(v, "daily backups") as usize),
weekly: args.value_of("weekly").map(|v| parse_num(v, "weekly backups") as usize),
monthly: args.value_of("monthly").map(|v| parse_num(v, "monthly backups") as usize),
yearly: args.value_of("yearly").map(|v| parse_num(v, "yearly backups") as usize),
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("vacuum") {
let (repository, backup, inode) = split_repo_path(args.value_of("REPO").unwrap());
if backup.is_some() || inode.is_some() {
println!("No backups or subpaths may be given here");
return Arguments::Vacuum {
repo_path: repository.to_string(),
force: args.is_present("force"),
ratio: parse_float(args.value_of("ratio").unwrap_or(&DEFAULT_VACUUM_RATIO.to_string()), "ratio") as f32
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("check") {
let (repository, backup, inode) = split_repo_path(args.value_of("PATH").unwrap());
return Arguments::Check {
repo_path: repository.to_string(),
backup_name: backup.map(|v| v.to_string()),
inode: inode.map(|v| v.to_string()),
full: args.is_present("full")
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("list") {
let (repository, backup, inode) = split_repo_path(args.value_of("PATH").unwrap());
return Arguments::List {
repo_path: repository.to_string(),
backup_name: backup.map(|v| v.to_string()),
inode: inode.map(|v| v.to_string())
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("listbundles") {
let (repository, backup, inode) = split_repo_path(args.value_of("REPO").unwrap());
if backup.is_some() || inode.is_some() {
println!("No backups or subpaths may be given here");
return Arguments::ListBundles {
repo_path: repository.to_string(),
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("info") {
let (repository, backup, inode) = split_repo_path(args.value_of("PATH").unwrap());
return Arguments::Info {
repo_path: repository.to_string(),
backup_name: backup.map(|v| v.to_string()),
inode: inode.map(|v| v.to_string())
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("import") {
let (repository, backup, inode) = split_repo_path(args.value_of("REPO").unwrap());
if backup.is_some() || inode.is_some() {
println!("No backups or subpaths may be given here");
return Arguments::Import {
repo_path: repository.to_string(),
remote_path: args.value_of("REMOTE").unwrap().to_string()
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("configure") {
let (repository, backup, inode) = split_repo_path(args.value_of("REPO").unwrap());
if backup.is_some() || inode.is_some() {
println!("No backups or subpaths may be given here");
return Arguments::Configure {
bundle_size: args.value_of("bundle_size").map(|v| (parse_num(v, "Bundle size") * 1024 * 1024) as usize),
chunker: args.value_of("chunker").map(|v| parse_chunker(v)),
compression: args.value_of("compression").map(|v| parse_compression(v)),
encryption: args.value_of("encryption").map(|v| {
if v == "none" {
} else {
hash: args.value_of("hash").map(|v| parse_hash(v)),
repo_path: repository.to_string(),
if let Some(_args) = args.subcommand_matches("genkey") {
return Arguments::GenKey {}
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("addkey") {
let (repository, backup, inode) = split_repo_path(args.value_of("REPO").unwrap());
if backup.is_some() || inode.is_some() {
println!("No backups or subpaths may be given here");
let generate = args.is_present("generate");
if !generate && (!args.is_present("PUBLIC") || !args.is_present("SECRET")) {
println!("Without --generate, a public and secret key must be given");
if generate && (args.is_present("PUBLIC") || args.is_present("SECRET")) {
println!("With --generate, no public or secret key may be given");
let key_pair = if generate {
} else {
Some((parse_public_key(args.value_of("PUBLIC").unwrap()), parse_secret_key(args.value_of("SECRET").unwrap())))
return Arguments::AddKey {
repo_path: repository.to_string(),
set_default: args.is_present("set_default"),
key_pair: key_pair
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("algotest") {
return Arguments::AlgoTest {
bundle_size: (parse_num(args.value_of("bundle_size").unwrap_or(&DEFAULT_BUNDLE_SIZE.to_string()), "Bundle size") * 1024 * 1024) as usize,
chunker: parse_chunker(args.value_of("chunker").unwrap_or(DEFAULT_CHUNKER)),
compression: parse_compression(args.value_of("compression").unwrap_or(DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)),
encrypt: args.is_present("encrypt"),
hash: parse_hash(args.value_of("hash").unwrap_or(DEFAULT_HASH)),
file: args.value_of("FILE").unwrap().to_string(),
error!("No subcommand given");