
497 lines
19 KiB

use prelude::*;
use super::*;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
pub use ::repository::ModuleIntegrityReport;
pub enum InodeIntegrityError {
BackupRead(path: PathBuf, err: Box<RepositoryError>) {
description(tr!("Backup unreadable"))
display("{}", tr_format!("Backup unreadable: {:?}\n\tcaused by: {}", path, err))
BrokenInode(path: PathBuf, err: Box<RepositoryError>) {
description(tr!("Broken inode"))
display("{}", tr_format!("Broken inode: {:?}\n\tcaused by: {}", path, err))
MissingInodeData(path: PathBuf, err: Box<RepositoryError>) {
description(tr!("Missing inode data"))
display("{}", tr_format!("Missing inode data in: {:?}\n\tcaused by: {}", path, err))
pub struct CheckOptions {
all_backups: bool,
single_backup: Option<(String, BackupFile)>,
subpath: Option<(PathBuf, Inode)>,
index: bool,
bundles: bool,
bundle_data: bool,
repair: bool
impl CheckOptions {
pub fn new() -> CheckOptions {
CheckOptions {
all_backups: false,
single_backup: None,
subpath: None,
index: false,
bundles: false,
bundle_data: false,
repair: false
pub fn all_backups(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
self.all_backups = true;
self.single_backup = None;
self.subpath = None;
pub fn single_backup(&mut self, name: &str, backup: BackupFile) -> &mut Self {
self.all_backups = false;
self.single_backup = Some((name.to_string(), backup));
pub fn subpath(&mut self, subpath: &Path, inode: Inode) -> &mut Self {
self.subpath = Some((subpath.to_path_buf(), inode));
pub fn index(&mut self, index: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.index = index;
pub fn bundles(&mut self, bundles: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.bundles = bundles;
self.bundle_data &= bundles;
pub fn bundle_data(&mut self, bundle_data: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.bundle_data = bundle_data;
self.bundles |= bundle_data;
pub fn repair(&mut self, repair: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.repair = repair;
pub fn get_repair(&self) -> bool {
pub struct IntegrityReport {
pub bundle_map: Option<ModuleIntegrityReport<IntegrityError>>,
pub index: Option<ModuleIntegrityReport<IntegrityError>>,
pub bundles: Option<ModuleIntegrityReport<IntegrityError>>,
pub backups: Option<ModuleIntegrityReport<InodeIntegrityError>>
pub trait RepositoryIntegrityIO {
fn check_inode_contents(&mut self, inode: &Inode, checked: &mut Bitmap, lock: &OnlineMode
) -> Result<(), RepositoryError>;
fn check_subtree(&mut self, path: PathBuf, chunks: &[Chunk], checked: &mut Bitmap,
errors: &mut Vec<InodeIntegrityError>, lock: &OnlineMode
fn check_backup_inode(&mut self, inode: &Inode, path: &Path, lock: &OnlineMode
) -> ModuleIntegrityReport<InodeIntegrityError>;
fn check_backup(&mut self, name: &str, backup: &BackupFile, lock: &OnlineMode
) -> ModuleIntegrityReport<InodeIntegrityError>;
fn check_backups(&mut self, lock: &OnlineMode) -> ModuleIntegrityReport<InodeIntegrityError>;
fn check_and_repair_subtree(&mut self, path: PathBuf, chunks: &[Chunk], checked: &mut Bitmap,
errors: &mut Vec<InodeIntegrityError>, lock: &BackupMode
) -> Result<Option<ChunkList>, RepositoryError>;
fn evacuate_broken_backup(&self, name: &str, lock: &BackupMode) -> Result<(), RepositoryError>;
fn check_and_repair_backup_inode(&mut self, name: &str, backup: &mut BackupFile, path: &Path,
lock: &BackupMode,
) -> Result<ModuleIntegrityReport<InodeIntegrityError>, RepositoryError>;
fn check_and_repair_backup(&mut self, name: &str, backup: &mut BackupFile, lock: &BackupMode
) -> Result<ModuleIntegrityReport<InodeIntegrityError>, RepositoryError>;
fn check_and_repair_backups(&mut self, lock: &BackupMode
) -> Result<ModuleIntegrityReport<InodeIntegrityError>, RepositoryError>;
fn check(&mut self, options: CheckOptions, lock: &OnlineMode) -> IntegrityReport;
fn check_and_repair(&mut self, options: CheckOptions, lock: &VacuumMode
) -> Result<IntegrityReport, RepositoryError>;
impl RepositoryIntegrityIO for Repository {
fn check_inode_contents(&mut self, inode: &Inode, checked: &mut Bitmap, lock: &OnlineMode
) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> {
match inode.data {
None |
Some(FileData::Inline(_)) => (),
Some(FileData::ChunkedDirect(ref chunks)) => {
try!(self.mark_chunks(checked, chunks, true));
Some(FileData::ChunkedIndirect(ref chunks)) => {
if try!(self.mark_chunks(checked, chunks, false)) {
let chunk_data = try!(self.get_data(chunks, lock));
let chunks2 = ChunkList::read_from(&chunk_data);
try!(self.mark_chunks(checked, &chunks2, true));
try!(self.mark_chunks(checked, chunks, true));
fn check_subtree(&mut self, path: PathBuf, chunks: &[Chunk], checked: &mut Bitmap,
errors: &mut Vec<InodeIntegrityError>, lock: &OnlineMode
) {
match self.mark_chunks(checked, chunks, false) {
Ok(false) => return,
Ok(true) => (),
Err(err) => {
errors.push(InodeIntegrityError::BrokenInode(path, Box::new(err)));
let mut inode = match self.get_inode(chunks, lock) {
Ok(inode) => inode,
Err(err) => {
errors.push(InodeIntegrityError::BrokenInode(path, Box::new(err)));
// Mark the content chunks as used
if let Err(err) = self.check_inode_contents(&inode, checked, lock) {
errors.push(InodeIntegrityError::MissingInodeData(path, Box::new(err)));
if let Some(ref mut children) = inode.children {
for (name, chunks) in children.iter_mut() {
self.check_subtree(path.join(name), chunks, checked, errors, lock);
self.mark_chunks(checked, chunks, true).unwrap();
fn check_backup_inode(&mut self, inode: &Inode, path: &Path, lock: &OnlineMode
) -> ModuleIntegrityReport<InodeIntegrityError> {
tr_info!("Checking inode...");
let mut report = ModuleIntegrityReport { errors_unfixed: vec![], errors_fixed: vec![] };
let mut checked = self.get_chunk_marker();
if let Err(err) = self.check_inode_contents(inode, &mut checked, lock) {
report.errors_unfixed.push(InodeIntegrityError::MissingInodeData(path.to_path_buf(), Box::new(err)));
if let Some(ref children) = inode.children {
for (name, chunks) in children.iter() {
self.check_subtree(path.join(name), chunks, &mut checked, &mut report.errors_unfixed, lock);
fn check_backup(&mut self, _name: &str, backup: &BackupFile, lock: &OnlineMode,
) -> ModuleIntegrityReport<InodeIntegrityError> {
tr_info!("Checking backup...");
let mut checked = self.get_chunk_marker();
let mut report = ModuleIntegrityReport { errors_unfixed: vec![], errors_fixed: vec![] };
self.check_subtree(Path::new("").to_path_buf(), &backup.root, &mut checked, &mut report.errors_unfixed, lock);
fn check_backups(&mut self, lock: &OnlineMode) -> ModuleIntegrityReport<InodeIntegrityError> {
tr_info!("Checking backups...");
let mut checked = self.get_chunk_marker();
let mut report = ModuleIntegrityReport { errors_unfixed: vec![], errors_fixed: vec![] };
let backup_map = match self.get_all_backups() {
Ok(backup_map) => backup_map,
failed))) => {
tr_warn!("Some backups could not be read, ignoring them");
for path in &failed {
Box::new(RepositoryError::BackupFile(BackupFileError::PartialBackupsList(backup_map.clone(), failed.clone())))
_ => return report
for (name, mut backup) in ProgressIter::new(tr!("checking backups"), backup_map.len(), backup_map.into_iter()) {
let path = format!("{}::", name);
self.check_subtree(Path::new(&path).to_path_buf(), &backup.root,
&mut checked, &mut report.errors_unfixed, lock);
fn check_and_repair_subtree(&mut self, path: PathBuf, chunks: &[Chunk], checked: &mut Bitmap,
errors: &mut Vec<InodeIntegrityError>, lock: &BackupMode,
) -> Result<Option<ChunkList>, RepositoryError> {
let mut modified = false;
match self.mark_chunks(checked, chunks, false) {
Ok(false) => return Ok(None),
Ok(true) => (),
Err(err) => return Err(InodeIntegrityError::BrokenInode(path, Box::new(err)).into()),
let mut inode = try!(self.get_inode(chunks, lock.as_online()));
// Mark the content chunks as used
if let Err(err) = self.check_inode_contents(&inode, checked, lock.as_online()) {
errors.push(InodeIntegrityError::MissingInodeData(path.clone(), Box::new(err)));
inode.data = Some(FileData::Inline(vec![].into()));
inode.size = 0;
modified = true;
// Put children in to do
if let Some(ref mut children) = inode.children {
let mut removed = vec![];
for (name, chunks) in children.iter_mut() {
match self.check_and_repair_subtree(path.join(name), chunks, checked, errors, lock) {
Ok(None) => (),
Ok(Some(c)) => {
*chunks = c;
modified = true;
Err(err) => {
errors.push(InodeIntegrityError::BrokenInode(path.join(name), Box::new(err)));
modified = true;
for name in removed {
if modified {
Ok(Some(try!(self.put_inode(&inode, lock))))
} else {
try!(self.mark_chunks(checked, chunks, true));
fn evacuate_broken_backup(&self, name: &str, _lock: &BackupMode) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> {
"The backup {} was corrupted and needed to be modified.",
let src = self.get_layout().backup_path(name);
let mut dst = src.with_extension("backup.broken");
let mut num = 1;
while dst.exists() {
dst = src.with_extension(&format!("backup.{}.broken", num));
num += 1;
if fs::rename(&src, &dst).is_err() {
try!(fs::copy(&src, &dst));
tr_info!("The original backup was renamed to {:?}", dst);
fn check_and_repair_backup_inode(&mut self, name: &str, backup: &mut BackupFile, path: &Path,
lock: &BackupMode
) -> Result<ModuleIntegrityReport<InodeIntegrityError>, RepositoryError> {
tr_info!("Checking inode...");
let mut checked = self.get_chunk_marker();
let mut inodes = try!(self.get_backup_path(backup, path, lock.as_online()));
let mut inode = inodes.pop().unwrap();
let mut modified = false;
let mut errors = vec![];
if let Err(err) = self.check_inode_contents(&inode, &mut checked, lock.as_online()) {
errors.push(InodeIntegrityError::MissingInodeData(path.to_path_buf(), Box::new(err)));
inode.data = Some(FileData::Inline(vec![].into()));
inode.size = 0;
modified = true;
if let Some(ref mut children) = inode.children {
let mut removed = vec![];
for (name, chunks) in children.iter_mut() {
match self.check_and_repair_subtree(path.join(name), chunks, &mut checked, &mut errors, lock) {
Ok(None) => (),
Ok(Some(c)) => {
*chunks = c;
modified = true;
Err(err) => {
errors.push(InodeIntegrityError::BrokenInode(path.join(name), Box::new(err)));
modified = true;
for name in removed {
if modified {
let mut chunks = try!(self.put_inode(&inode, lock));
while let Some(mut parent) = inodes.pop() {
parent.children.as_mut().unwrap().insert(inode.name, chunks);
inode = parent;
chunks = try!(self.put_inode(&inode, lock));
backup.root = chunks;
backup.modified = true;
try!(self.evacuate_broken_backup(name, lock));
try!(self.save_backup(backup, name, lock));
Ok(ModuleIntegrityReport{errors_unfixed: vec![], errors_fixed: errors})
fn check_and_repair_backup(&mut self, name: &str, backup: &mut BackupFile, lock: &BackupMode,
) -> Result<ModuleIntegrityReport<InodeIntegrityError>, RepositoryError> {
tr_info!("Checking backup...");
let mut checked = self.get_chunk_marker();
let mut errors = vec![];
match self.check_and_repair_subtree(Path::new("").to_path_buf(),
&backup.root, &mut checked, &mut errors, lock
) {
Ok(None) => (),
Ok(Some(chunks)) => {
backup.root = chunks;
backup.modified = true;
try!(self.evacuate_broken_backup(name, lock));
try!(self.save_backup(backup, name, lock));
Err(err) => {
errors.push(InodeIntegrityError::BrokenInode(PathBuf::from("/"), Box::new(err)));
try!(self.evacuate_broken_backup(name, lock));
Ok(ModuleIntegrityReport{errors_unfixed: vec![], errors_fixed: errors})
fn check_and_repair_backups(&mut self, lock: &BackupMode
) -> Result<ModuleIntegrityReport<InodeIntegrityError>, RepositoryError> {
tr_info!("Checking backups...");
let mut checked = self.get_chunk_marker();
let mut errors = vec![];
let backup_map = match self.get_all_backups() {
Ok(backup_map) => backup_map,
_failed))) => {
tr_warn!("Some backups could not be read, ignoring them");
Err(err) => return Err(err),
for (name, mut backup) in
ProgressIter::new(tr!("checking backups"), backup_map.len(), backup_map.into_iter())
let path = format!("{}::", name);
match self.check_and_repair_subtree(
&mut checked,
&mut errors,
) {
Ok(None) => (),
Ok(Some(chunks)) => {
backup.root = chunks;
backup.modified = true;
try!(self.evacuate_broken_backup(&name, lock));
try!(self.save_backup(&backup, &name, lock));
Err(err) => {
errors.push(InodeIntegrityError::BrokenInode(PathBuf::from(format!("{}::/", name)), Box::new(err)));
try!(self.evacuate_broken_backup(&name, lock));
Ok(ModuleIntegrityReport{errors_unfixed: vec![], errors_fixed: errors})
fn check(&mut self, options: CheckOptions, lock: &OnlineMode) -> IntegrityReport {
let mut report = IntegrityReport {
bundle_map: None,
index: None,
bundles: None,
backups: None
report.bundle_map = Some(self.check_bundle_map());
if options.index {
report.index = Some(self.check_index(lock.as_readonly()));
if options.bundles {
report.bundles = Some(self.check_bundles(options.bundle_data, lock));
if let Some((name, backup)) = options.single_backup {
if let Some((subpath, inode)) = options.subpath {
report.backups = Some(self.check_backup_inode(&inode, &subpath, lock))
} else {
report.backups = Some(self.check_backup(&name, &backup, lock));
if options.all_backups {
report.backups = Some(self.check_backups(lock));
fn check_and_repair(&mut self, options: CheckOptions, lock: &VacuumMode) -> Result<IntegrityReport, RepositoryError> {
let mut report = IntegrityReport {
bundle_map: None,
index: None,
bundles: None,
backups: None
let bundle_map = try!(self.check_and_repair_bundle_map(lock.as_online()));
if !bundle_map.errors_fixed.is_empty() {
report.bundle_map = Some(bundle_map);
if options.index {
report.index = Some(try!(self.check_and_repair_index(lock.as_online())));
if options.bundles {
report.bundles = Some(try!(self.check_and_repair_bundles(options.bundle_data, lock)));
if let Some((name, mut backup)) = options.single_backup {
if let Some((subpath, _inode)) = options.subpath {
report.backups = Some(try!(self.check_and_repair_backup_inode(&name, &mut backup, &subpath, lock.as_backup())));
} else {
report.backups = Some(try!(self.check_and_repair_backup(&name, &mut backup, lock.as_backup())));
if options.all_backups {
report.backups = Some(try!(self.check_and_repair_backups(lock.as_backup())));