
128 lines
4.4 KiB

use super::*;
use std::ptr;
use std::cmp;
// FastCDC
// Paper: "FastCDC: a Fast and Efficient Content-Defined Chunking Approach for Data Deduplication"
// Paper-URL: https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/atc16/atc16-paper-xia.pdf
// Presentation: https://www.usenix.org/sites/default/files/conference/protected-files/atc16_slides_xia.pdf
// Creating 256 pseudo-random values (based on Knuth's MMIX)
fn create_gear(seed: u64) -> [u64; 256] {
let mut table = [0u64; 256];
let a = 6364136223846793005;
let c = 1442695040888963407;
let mut v = seed;
for t in &mut table.iter_mut() {
v = v.wrapping_mul(a).wrapping_add(c);
*t = v;
fn get_masks(avg_size: usize, nc_level: usize, seed: u64) -> (u64, u64) {
let bits = (avg_size.next_power_of_two() - 1).count_ones();
if bits == 13 {
// From the paper
return (0x0003590703530000, 0x0000d90003530000);
let mut mask = 0u64;
let mut v = seed;
let a = 6364136223846793005;
let c = 1442695040888963407;
while mask.count_ones() < bits - nc_level as u32 {
v = v.wrapping_mul(a).wrapping_add(c);
mask = (mask | 1).rotate_left(v as u32 & 0x3f);
let mask_long = mask;
while mask.count_ones() < bits + nc_level as u32 {
v = v.wrapping_mul(a).wrapping_add(c);
mask = (mask | 1).rotate_left(v as u32 & 0x3f);
let mask_short = mask;
(mask_short, mask_long)
pub struct FastCdcChunker {
buffer: [u8; 4096],
buffered: usize,
gear: [u64; 256],
min_size: usize,
max_size: usize,
avg_size: usize,
mask_long: u64,
mask_short: u64,
impl FastCdcChunker {
pub fn new(avg_size: usize, seed: u64) -> Self {
let (mask_short, mask_long) = get_masks(avg_size, 2, seed);
FastCdcChunker {
buffer: [0; 4096],
buffered: 0,
gear: create_gear(seed),
min_size: avg_size/4,
max_size: avg_size*8,
avg_size: avg_size,
mask_long: mask_long,
mask_short: mask_short,
impl FastCdcChunker {
fn write_output(&mut self, w: &mut Write, pos: usize, max: usize) -> Result<ChunkerStatus, ChunkerError> {
unsafe { ptr::copy(self.buffer[pos..].as_ptr(), self.buffer.as_mut_ptr(), max-pos) };
self.buffered = max-pos;
impl Chunker for FastCdcChunker {
fn chunk(&mut self, r: &mut Read, mut w: &mut Write) -> Result<ChunkerStatus, ChunkerError> {
let mut max;
let mut hash = 0u64;
let mut pos = 0;
loop {
// Fill the buffer, there might be some bytes still in there from last chunk
max = try!(r.read(&mut self.buffer[self.buffered..]).map_err(ChunkerError::Read)) + self.buffered;
// If nothing to do, finish
if max == 0 {
return Ok(ChunkerStatus::Finished)
let min_size_p = cmp::min(max, cmp::max(self.min_size as isize - pos as isize, 0) as usize);
let avg_size_p = cmp::min(max, cmp::max(self.avg_size as isize - pos as isize, 0) as usize);
let max_size_p = cmp::min(max, cmp::max(self.max_size as isize - pos as isize, 0) as usize);
// Skipping first min_size bytes. This is ok as same data still results in same hash.
if self.avg_size > pos {
for i in min_size_p..avg_size_p {
hash = (hash << 1).wrapping_add(self.gear[self.buffer[i] as usize]);
if hash & self.mask_short == 0 {
return self.write_output(w, i+1, max);
if self.max_size > pos {
for i in avg_size_p..max_size_p {
hash = (hash << 1).wrapping_add(self.gear[self.buffer[i] as usize]);
if hash & self.mask_long == 0 {
return self.write_output(w, i+1, max);
if max + pos >= self.max_size {
return self.write_output(w, max_size_p, max);
pos += max;
self.buffered = 0;