
215 lines
7.1 KiB

extern crate serde;
extern crate rmp_serde;
#[macro_use] extern crate serde_utils;
extern crate squash_sys as squash;
extern crate mmap;
extern crate blake2_rfc as blake2;
extern crate murmurhash3;
extern crate serde_yaml;
#[macro_use] extern crate quick_error;
extern crate docopt;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate chrono;
pub mod util;
pub mod bundle;
pub mod index;
mod chunker;
mod repository;
mod algotest;
use docopt::Docopt;
use chrono::prelude::*;
use chunker::ChunkerType;
use repository::{Repository, Config, Inode};
use util::{ChecksumType, Compression, HashMethod, to_file_size, to_duration};
static USAGE: &'static str = "
zvault init [--bundle-size SIZE] [--chunker METHOD] [--chunk-size SIZE] [--compression COMPRESSION] <repo>
zvault backup [--full] <backup> <path>
zvault restore <backup> [<src>] <dst>
zvault check [--full] <repo>
zvault backups <repo>
zvault info <backup>
zvault list <backup> <path>
zvault stats <repo>
zvault bundles <repo>
zvault algotest <path>
zvault stat <path>
--full Whether to verify the repository by loading all bundles
--bundle-size SIZE The target size of a full bundle in MiB [default: 25]
--chunker METHOD The chunking algorithm to use [default: fastcdc]
--chunk-size SIZE The target average chunk size in KiB [default: 8]
--compression COMPRESSION The compression to use [default: brotli/3]
#[derive(RustcDecodable, Debug)]
struct Args {
cmd_init: bool,
cmd_backup: bool,
cmd_restore: bool,
cmd_check: bool,
cmd_backups: bool,
cmd_info: bool,
cmd_list: bool,
cmd_stats: bool,
cmd_bundles: bool,
cmd_algotest: bool,
cmd_stat: bool,
arg_repo: Option<String>,
arg_path: Option<String>,
arg_src: Option<String>,
arg_dst: Option<String>,
arg_backup: Option<String>,
flag_full: bool,
flag_bundle_size: usize,
flag_chunker: String,
flag_chunk_size: usize,
flag_compression: String
fn main() {
let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE).and_then(|d| d.decode()).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
//println!("{:?}", args);
if args.cmd_algotest {
if args.cmd_init {
let chunker = ChunkerType::from(&args.flag_chunker, args.flag_chunk_size*1024, 0).expect("No such chunk algorithm");
let compression = if args.flag_compression == "none" {
} else {
Some(Compression::from_string(&args.flag_compression).expect("Failed to parse compression"))
Repository::create(&args.arg_repo.unwrap(), Config {
bundle_size: args.flag_bundle_size*1024*1024,
checksum: ChecksumType::Blake2_256,
chunker: chunker,
compression: compression,
hash: HashMethod::Blake2
if args.cmd_stat {
println!("{:?}", Inode::get_from(&args.arg_path.unwrap()).unwrap());
let mut repo;
if let Some(path) = args.arg_repo {
repo = Repository::open(path).unwrap();
} else if let Some(ref backup) = args.arg_backup {
let path = backup.splitn(2, "::").nth(0).unwrap();
repo = Repository::open(path).unwrap();
} else {
panic!("Repository is needed");
if args.cmd_check {
if args.cmd_stats {
let info = repo.info();
println!("Bundles: {}", info.bundle_count);
println!("Total size: {}", to_file_size(info.encoded_data_size));
println!("Uncompressed size: {}", to_file_size(info.raw_data_size));
println!("Compression ratio: {:.1}%", info.compression_ratio * 100.0);
println!("Chunk count: {}", info.chunk_count);
println!("Average chunk size: {}", to_file_size(info.avg_chunk_size as u64));
let index_usage = info.index_entries as f32 / info.index_capacity as f32;
println!("Index: {}, {:.0}% full", to_file_size(info.index_size as u64), index_usage * 100.0);
if args.cmd_backups {
for backup in repo.list_backups().unwrap() {
println!("{}", backup);
if args.cmd_bundles {
for bundle in repo.list_bundles() {
println!("Bundle {}", bundle.id);
println!(" - Chunks: {}", bundle.chunk_count);
println!(" - Size: {}", to_file_size(bundle.encoded_size as u64));
println!(" - Data size: {}", to_file_size(bundle.raw_size as u64));
let ratio = bundle.encoded_size as f32 / bundle.raw_size as f32;
let compression = if let Some(ref c) = bundle.compression {
} else {
println!(" - Compression: {}, ratio: {:.1}%", compression, ratio * 100.0);
let backup_name = args.arg_backup.unwrap().splitn(2, "::").nth(1).unwrap().to_string();
if args.cmd_backup {
let backup = repo.create_full_backup(&args.arg_path.unwrap()).unwrap();
repo.save_backup(&backup, &backup_name).unwrap();
let backup = repo.get_backup(&backup_name).unwrap();
if args.cmd_info {
println!("Date: {}", Local.timestamp(backup.date, 0).to_rfc2822());
println!("Duration: {}", to_duration(backup.duration));
println!("Entries: {} files, {} dirs", backup.file_count, backup.dir_count);
println!("Total backup size: {}", to_file_size(backup.total_data_size));
println!("Modified data size: {}", to_file_size(backup.changed_data_size));
let dedup_ratio = backup.deduplicated_data_size as f32 / backup.changed_data_size as f32;
println!("Deduplicated size: {}, {:.1}% saved", to_file_size(backup.deduplicated_data_size), (1.0 - dedup_ratio)*100.0);
let compress_ratio = backup.encoded_data_size as f32 / backup.deduplicated_data_size as f32;
println!("Compressed size: {} in {} bundles, {:.1}% saved", to_file_size(backup.encoded_data_size), backup.bundle_count, (1.0 - compress_ratio)*100.0);
println!("Chunk count: {}, avg size: {}", backup.chunk_count, to_file_size(backup.avg_chunk_size as u64));
if args.cmd_restore {
let dst = args.arg_dst.unwrap();
if let Some(src) = args.arg_src {
let inode = repo.get_backup_inode(&backup, src).unwrap();
repo.restore_inode_tree(inode, &dst).unwrap();
} else {
repo.restore_backup(&backup, &dst).unwrap();
if args.cmd_list {
let inode = repo.get_backup_inode(&backup, &args.arg_path.unwrap()).unwrap();
println!("{}", inode.format_one_line());
if let Some(children) = inode.children {
for chunks in children.values() {
let inode = repo.get_inode(&chunks).unwrap();
println!("- {}", inode.format_one_line());