
63 lines
2.1 KiB

use super::*;
use std::ptr;
// AE Chunker
// Paper: "AE: An Asymmetric Extremum Content Defined Chunking Algorithm for Fast and Bandwidth-Efficient Data Deduplication"
pub struct AeChunker {
buffer: [u8; 0x1000],
buffered: usize,
window_size: usize
impl AeChunker {
pub fn new(avg_size: usize) -> AeChunker {
// Experiments show that this claim from the paper is wrong and results in smaller chunks
//let window_size = (avg_size as f64 / (consts::E - 1.0)) as usize;
let window_size = avg_size - 256;
buffer: [0; 0x1000],
buffered: 0,
impl Chunker for AeChunker {
fn chunk(&mut self, r: &mut Read, w: &mut Write) -> Result<ChunkerStatus, ChunkerError> {
let mut max;
let mut pos = 0;
let mut max_pos = 0;
let mut max_val = 0;
loop {
// Fill the buffer, there might be some bytes still in there from last chunk
max = try!(r.read(&mut self.buffer[self.buffered..]).map_err(ChunkerError::Read)) + self.buffered;
// If nothing to do, finish
if max == 0 {
return Ok(ChunkerStatus::Finished)
for i in 0..max {
let val = self.buffer[i];
if val <= max_val {
if pos == max_pos + self.window_size {
// Write all bytes from this chunk out to sink and store rest for next chunk
unsafe { ptr::copy(self.buffer[i+1..].as_ptr(), self.buffer.as_mut_ptr(), max-i-1) };
self.buffered = max-i-1;
return Ok(ChunkerStatus::Continue);
} else {
max_val = val;
max_pos = pos;
pos += 1;
self.buffered = 0;