mod args; mod logger; mod algotest; use prelude::*; use chrono::prelude::*; use regex::{self, RegexSet}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::{BufReader, BufRead}; use std::fs::File; use std::env; use std::str; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use self::args::Arguments; pub enum ErrorCode { UnsafeArgs, InvalidArgs, InitializeLogger, CreateRepository, LoadRepository, SaveBackup, LoadBackup, LoadInode, LoadBundle, NoSuchBackup, BackupAlreadyExists, AddKey, LoadKey, SaveKey, SaveConfig, LoadExcludes, InvalidExcludes, BackupRun, RestoreRun, RemoveRun, PruneRun, VacuumRun, CheckRun, AnalyzeRun, DiffRun, VersionsRun, ImportRun, FuseMount, DuplicatesRun } impl ErrorCode { pub fn code(&self) -> i32 { match *self { // Crazy stuff ErrorCode::InitializeLogger | ErrorCode::InvalidExcludes => -1, // Arguments ErrorCode::InvalidArgs => 1, ErrorCode::UnsafeArgs => 2, // Load things ErrorCode::LoadRepository => 3, ErrorCode::LoadBackup => 4, ErrorCode::LoadInode => 5, ErrorCode::LoadBundle => 6, ErrorCode::LoadKey => 7, ErrorCode::LoadExcludes => 8, // Minor operations ErrorCode::SaveBackup => 9, ErrorCode::AddKey => 10, ErrorCode::SaveKey => 11, ErrorCode::SaveConfig => 12, // Main operation ErrorCode::CreateRepository => 13, ErrorCode::BackupRun => 14, ErrorCode::RestoreRun => 15, ErrorCode::RemoveRun => 16, ErrorCode::PruneRun => 17, ErrorCode::VacuumRun => 18, ErrorCode::CheckRun => 19, ErrorCode::AnalyzeRun => 20, ErrorCode::DiffRun => 21, ErrorCode::VersionsRun => 22, ErrorCode::ImportRun => 23, ErrorCode::FuseMount => 24, ErrorCode::DuplicatesRun => 27, // ErrorCode::NoSuchBackup => 25, ErrorCode::BackupAlreadyExists => 26, } } } pub const DEFAULT_CHUNKER: &str = "fastcdc/16"; pub const DEFAULT_HASH: &str = "blake2"; pub const DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: &str = "brotli/3"; pub const DEFAULT_BUNDLE_SIZE_STR: &str = "25"; pub const DEFAULT_VACUUM_RATIO_STR: &str = "0"; pub const DEFAULT_DUPLICATES_MIN_SIZE_STR: &str = "1b"; lazy_static! { pub static ref ZVAULT_FOLDER: PathBuf = { env::home_dir().unwrap().join(".zvault") }; } macro_rules! checked { ($expr:expr, $msg:expr, $code:expr) => { match $expr { Ok(val) => val, Err(err) => { tr_error!("Failed to {}\n\tcaused by: {}", tr!($msg), err); return Err($code) } } }; } fn open_repository(path: &Path, online: bool) -> Result { Ok(checked!( BackupRepository::open(path, online), "load repository", ErrorCode::LoadRepository )) } fn get_backup(repo: &BackupRepository, backup_name: &str) -> Result { if !repo.has_backup(backup_name) { tr_error!("A backup with that name does not exist"); return Err(ErrorCode::NoSuchBackup); } Ok(checked!( repo.get_backup(backup_name), "load backup", ErrorCode::LoadBackup )) } fn get_inode(repo: &mut BackupRepository, backup: &BackupFile, inode: Option<&String>) -> Result { Ok(if let Some(inode) = inode { checked!( repo.get_backup_inode(backup, &inode), "load subpath inode", ErrorCode::LoadInode ) } else { checked!( repo.get_inode(&backup.root), "load root inode", ErrorCode::LoadInode ) }) } fn find_reference_backup( repo: &BackupRepository, path: &str, ) -> Result, ErrorCode> { let mut matching = Vec::new(); let hostname = match get_hostname() { Ok(hostname) => hostname, Err(_) => return Ok(None), }; let backup_map = match repo.get_all_backups() { Ok(backup_map) => backup_map, Err(RepositoryError::BackupFile(BackupFileError::PartialBackupsList(backup_map, _failed))) => { tr_warn!("Some backups could not be read, ignoring them"); backup_map } Err(err) => { tr_error!("Failed to load backup files: {}", err); return Err(ErrorCode::LoadBackup); } }; for (name, backup) in backup_map { if == hostname && backup.path == path { matching.push((name, backup)); } } matching.sort_by_key(|&(_, ref b)| b.timestamp); Ok(matching.pop()) } fn print_backup(backup: &BackupFile) { if backup.modified { tr_warn!("This backup has been modified"); } tr_println!( "Date: {}", Local.timestamp(backup.timestamp, 0).to_rfc2822() ); tr_println!("Source: {}:{}",, backup.path); tr_println!("Duration: {}", to_duration(backup.duration)); tr_println!( "Entries: {} files, {} dirs", backup.file_count, backup.dir_count ); tr_println!( "Total backup size: {}", to_file_size(backup.total_data_size) ); tr_println!( "Modified data size: {}", to_file_size(backup.changed_data_size) ); let dedup_ratio = backup.deduplicated_data_size as f32 / backup.changed_data_size as f32; tr_println!( "Deduplicated size: {}, {:.1}%", to_file_size(backup.deduplicated_data_size), (dedup_ratio - 1.0) * 100.0 ); let compress_ratio = backup.encoded_data_size as f32 / backup.deduplicated_data_size as f32; tr_println!( "Compressed size: {} in {} bundles, {:.1}%", to_file_size(backup.encoded_data_size), backup.bundle_count, (compress_ratio - 1.0) * 100.0 ); tr_println!( "Chunk count: {}, avg size: {}", backup.chunk_count, to_file_size(backup.avg_chunk_size as u64) ); } pub fn format_inode_one_line(inode: &Inode) -> String { match inode.file_type { FileType::Directory => { format!( "{:25}\t{} entries", format!("{}/",, inode.children.as_ref().map(|c| c.len()).unwrap_or(0) ) } FileType::File => { format!( "{:25}\t{:>10}\t{}",, to_file_size(inode.size), Local.timestamp(inode.timestamp, 0).to_rfc2822() ) } FileType::Symlink => { format!( "{:25}\t -> {}",, inode.symlink_target.as_ref().map(|s| s as &str).unwrap_or( "?" ) ) } FileType::BlockDevice | FileType::CharDevice => { let device = inode.device.unwrap_or((0, 0)); format!( "{:25}\t{:12}\t{}:{}",, inode.file_type, device.0, device.1 ) } FileType::NamedPipe => format!("{:25}\t fifo",, } } fn print_inode(inode: &Inode) { tr_println!("Name: {}",; tr_println!("Type: {}", inode.file_type); tr_println!("Size: {}", to_file_size(inode.size)); tr_println!("Permissions: {:3o}", inode.mode); tr_println!("User: {}", inode.user); tr_println!("Group: {}",; tr_println!( "Timestamp: {}", Local.timestamp(inode.timestamp, 0).to_rfc2822() ); if let Some(ref target) = inode.symlink_target { tr_println!("Symlink target: {}", target); } tr_println!("Cumulative size: {}", to_file_size(inode.cum_size)); tr_println!("Cumulative file count: {}", inode.cum_files); tr_println!("Cumulative directory count: {}", inode.cum_dirs); if let Some(ref children) = inode.children { tr_println!("Children:"); for name in children.keys() { println!(" - {}", name); } } if !inode.xattrs.is_empty() { tr_println!("Extended attributes:"); for (key, value) in &inode.xattrs { if let Ok(value) = str::from_utf8(value) { println!(" - {} = '{}'", key, value); } else { println!(" - {} = 0x{}", key, to_hex(value)); } } } } fn print_backups(backup_map: &HashMap) { let mut backups: Vec<_> = backup_map.into_iter().collect(); backups.sort_by_key(|b| b.0); for (name, backup) in backups { println!( "{:40} {:>32} {:7} files, {:6} dirs, {:>10}", name, Local.timestamp(backup.timestamp, 0).to_rfc2822(), backup.file_count, backup.dir_count, to_file_size(backup.total_data_size) ); } } fn print_repoinfo(info: &RepositoryInfo) { tr_println!("Bundles: {}", info.bundle_count); tr_println!("Total size: {}", to_file_size(info.encoded_data_size)); tr_println!("Uncompressed size: {}", to_file_size(info.raw_data_size)); tr_println!("Compression ratio: {:.1}%", (info.compression_ratio - 1.0) * 100.0); tr_println!("Chunk count: {}", info.chunk_count); tr_println!( "Average chunk size: {}", to_file_size(info.avg_chunk_size as u64) ); let index_usage = info.index_entries as f32 / info.index_capacity as f32; tr_println!( "Index: {}, {:.0}% full", to_file_size(info.index_size as u64), index_usage * 100.0 ); } fn print_repostats(stats: &RepositoryStatistics) { tr_println!("Index\n====="); let index_usage = stats.index.count as f32 / stats.index.capacity as f32; tr_println!("Size: {}", to_file_size(stats.index.size as u64)); tr_println!("Entries: {} / {}, {:.0}%", stats.index.count, stats.index.capacity, index_usage*100.0); let disp = &stats.index.displacement; tr_println!("Displacement:\n - average: {:.1}\n - stddev: {:.1}\n - over {:.1}: {:.0}, {:.1}%\n - maximum: {:.0}", disp.avg, disp.stddev, disp.avg + 2.0 * disp.stddev, disp.count_xl, disp.count_xl as f32 / disp.count as f32 * 100.0, disp.max); println!(); tr_println!("Bundles\n======="); let tsize = (stats.bundles.raw_size.count as f32 * stats.bundles.encoded_size.avg) as u64; tr_println!("All bundles: {} in {} bundles", to_file_size(tsize), stats.bundles.raw_size.count); let rsize = &stats.bundles.raw_size; tr_println!(" - raw size: ø = {}, maximum: {}", to_file_size(rsize.avg as u64), to_file_size(rsize.max as u64)); let esize = &stats.bundles.encoded_size; tr_println!(" - encoded size: ø = {}, maximum: {}", to_file_size(esize.avg as u64), to_file_size(esize.max as u64)); let ccount = &stats.bundles.chunk_count; tr_println!(" - chunk count: ø = {:.1}, maximum: {:.0}", ccount.avg, ccount.max); let tsize = (stats.bundles.raw_size_meta.count as f32 * stats.bundles.encoded_size_meta.avg) as u64; tr_println!("Meta bundles: {} in {} bundles", to_file_size(tsize), stats.bundles.raw_size_meta.count); let rsize = &stats.bundles.raw_size_meta; tr_println!(" - raw size: ø = {}, maximum: {}", to_file_size(rsize.avg as u64), to_file_size(rsize.max as u64)); let esize = &stats.bundles.encoded_size_meta; tr_println!(" - encoded size: ø = {}, maximum: {}", to_file_size(esize.avg as u64), to_file_size(esize.max as u64)); let ccount = &stats.bundles.chunk_count_meta; tr_println!(" - chunk count: ø = {:.1}, maximum: {:.0}", ccount.avg, ccount.max); let tsize = (stats.bundles.raw_size_data.count as f32 * stats.bundles.encoded_size_data.avg) as u64; tr_println!("Data bundles: {} in {} bundles", to_file_size(tsize), stats.bundles.raw_size_data.count); let rsize = &stats.bundles.raw_size_data; tr_println!(" - raw size: ø = {}, maximum: {}", to_file_size(rsize.avg as u64), to_file_size(rsize.max as u64)); let esize = &stats.bundles.encoded_size_data; tr_println!(" - encoded size: ø = {}, maximum: {}", to_file_size(esize.avg as u64), to_file_size(esize.max as u64)); let ccount = &stats.bundles.chunk_count_data; tr_println!(" - chunk count: ø = {:.1}, maximum: {:.0}", ccount.avg, ccount.max); println!(); tr_println!("Bundle methods\n=============="); tr_println!("Hash:"); for (hash, &count) in &stats.bundles.hash_methods { tr_println!(" - {}: {}, {:.1}%",, count, count as f32 / stats.bundles.raw_size.count as f32 * 100.0); } tr_println!("Compression:"); for (compr, &count) in &stats.bundles.compressions { let compr_name = if let Some(ref compr) = *compr { compr.to_string() } else { tr!("none").to_string() }; tr_println!(" - {}: {}, {:.1}%", compr_name, count, count as f32 / stats.bundles.raw_size.count as f32 * 100.0); } tr_println!("Encryption:"); for (encr, &count) in &stats.bundles.encryptions { let encr_name = if let Some(ref encr) = *encr { to_hex(&encr.1[..]) } else { tr!("none").to_string() }; tr_println!(" - {}: {}, {:.1}%", encr_name, count, count as f32 / stats.bundles.raw_size.count as f32 * 100.0); } } fn print_bundle(bundle: &StoredBundle) { tr_println!("Bundle {}",; tr_println!(" - Mode: {:?}",; tr_println!(" - Path: {:?}", bundle.path); tr_println!( " - Date: {}", Local.timestamp(, 0).to_rfc2822() ); tr_println!(" - Hash method: {:?}",; let encryption = if let Some((_, ref key)) = { to_hex(key) } else { "none".to_string() }; tr_println!(" - Encryption: {}", encryption); tr_println!(" - Chunks: {}",; tr_println!( " - Size: {}", to_file_size( as u64) ); tr_println!( " - Data size: {}", to_file_size( as u64) ); let ratio = as f32 / as f32; let compression = if let Some(ref c) = { c.to_string() } else { "none".to_string() }; tr_println!( " - Compression: {}, ratio: {:.1}%", compression, (ratio - 1.0) * 100.0 ); } fn print_bundle_one_line(bundle: &BundleInfo) { tr_println!( "{}: {:8?}, {:5} chunks, {:8}",, bundle.mode, bundle.chunk_count, to_file_size(bundle.encoded_size as u64) ) } fn print_config(config: &Config) { tr_println!("Bundle size: {}", to_file_size(config.bundle_size as u64)); tr_println!("Chunker: {}", config.chunker.to_string()); if let Some(ref compression) = config.compression { tr_println!("Compression: {}", compression.to_string()); } else { tr_println!("Compression: none"); } if let Some(ref encryption) = config.encryption { tr_println!("Encryption: {}", to_hex(&encryption.1[..])); } else { tr_println!("Encryption: none"); } tr_println!("Hash method: {}",; } fn print_analysis(analysis: &HashMap) { let mut reclaim_space = [0; 11]; let mut rewrite_size = [0; 11]; let mut data_total = 0; for bundle in analysis.values() { data_total +=; #[allow(unknown_lints, needless_range_loop)] for i in 0..11 { if bundle.get_usage_ratio() <= i as f32 * 0.1 { reclaim_space[i] += bundle.get_unused_size(); rewrite_size[i] += bundle.get_used_size(); } } } tr_println!("Total bundle size: {}", to_file_size(data_total as u64)); let used = data_total - reclaim_space[10]; tr_println!( "Space used: {}, {:.1} %", to_file_size(used as u64), used as f32 / data_total as f32 * 100.0 ); tr_println!("Reclaimable space (depending on vacuum ratio)"); #[allow(unknown_lints, needless_range_loop)] for i in 0..11 { tr_println!( " - ratio={:3}: {:>10}, {:4.1} %, rewriting {:>10}", i * 10, to_file_size(reclaim_space[i] as u64), reclaim_space[i] as f32 / data_total as f32 * 100.0, to_file_size(rewrite_size[i] as u64) ); } } fn print_duplicates(dups: Vec<(Vec, u64)>) { for (group, size) in dups { tr_println!("{} duplicates found, size: {}", group.len(), to_file_size(size)); for dup in group { println!(" - {}", dup.to_string_lossy()); } println!(); } } #[allow(unknown_lints, cyclomatic_complexity)] pub fn run() -> Result<(), ErrorCode> { let (log_level, args) = try!(args::parse()); if let Err(err) = logger::init(log_level) { tr_println!("Failed to initialize the logger: {}", err); return Err(ErrorCode::InitializeLogger); } match args { Arguments::Init { repo_path, bundle_size, chunker, compression, encryption, hash, remote_path } => { if !Path::new(&remote_path).is_absolute() { tr_error!("The remote path of a repository must be absolute."); return Err(ErrorCode::InvalidArgs); } let mut repo = checked!( BackupRepository::create( repo_path, &Config { bundle_size, chunker, compression, encryption: None, hash }, remote_path ), "create repository", ErrorCode::CreateRepository ); if encryption { let (public, secret) = Crypto::gen_keypair(); tr_info!("Created the following key pair"); tr_println!("public: {}", to_hex(&public[..])); tr_println!("secret: {}", to_hex(&secret[..])); repo.set_encryption(Some(&public)); checked!( repo.register_key(public, secret), "add key", ErrorCode::AddKey ); checked!(repo.save_config(), "save config", ErrorCode::SaveConfig); tr_warn!( "Please store this key pair in a secure location before using the repository" ); println!(); } print_config(repo.get_config()); } Arguments::Backup { repo_path, backup_name, src_path, full, reference, same_device, mut excludes, excludes_from, no_default_excludes, tar } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, true)); if repo.has_backup(&backup_name) { tr_error!("A backup with that name already exists"); return Err(ErrorCode::BackupAlreadyExists); } if src_path == "-" && !tar { tr_error!("Reading from stdin requires --tar"); return Err(ErrorCode::InvalidArgs); } let mut reference_backup = None; if !full && !tar { reference_backup = match reference { Some(r) => { let b = try!(get_backup(&repo, &r)); Some((r, b)) } None => None, }; if reference_backup.is_none() { reference_backup = try!(find_reference_backup(&repo, &src_path)); } if let Some(&(ref name, _)) = reference_backup.as_ref() { tr_info!("Using backup {} as reference", name); } else { tr_info!("No reference backup found, doing a full scan instead"); } } let reference_backup =|(_, backup)| backup); if !no_default_excludes && !tar { for line in BufReader::new(checked!( File::open(&repo.get_layout().excludes_path()), "open default excludes file", ErrorCode::LoadExcludes )).lines() { excludes.push(checked!( line, "read default excludes file", ErrorCode::LoadExcludes )); } } if let Some(excludes_from) = excludes_from { for line in BufReader::new(checked!( File::open(excludes_from), "open excludes file", ErrorCode::LoadExcludes )).lines() { excludes.push(checked!( line, "read excludes file", ErrorCode::LoadExcludes )); } } let mut excludes_parsed = Vec::with_capacity(excludes.len()); for mut exclude in excludes { if exclude.starts_with('#') || exclude.is_empty() { continue; } exclude = regex::escape(&exclude) .replace('?', ".") .replace(r"\*\*", ".*") .replace(r"\*", "[^/]*"); excludes_parsed.push(if exclude.starts_with('/') { format!(r"^{}($|/)", exclude) } else { format!(r"/{}($|/)", exclude) }); } let excludes = if excludes_parsed.is_empty() { None } else { Some(checked!( RegexSet::new(excludes_parsed), "parse exclude patterns", ErrorCode::InvalidExcludes )) }; let options = BackupOptions { same_device, excludes }; let result = if tar { repo.import_tarfile(&src_path) } else { repo.create_backup_recursively(&src_path, reference_backup.as_ref(), &options) }; let backup = match result { Ok(backup) => { tr_info!("Backup finished"); backup } Err(RepositoryError::Backup(BackupError::FailedPaths(backup, _failed_paths))) => { tr_warn!("Some files are missing from the backup"); backup } Err(err) => { tr_error!("Backup failed: {}", err); return Err(ErrorCode::BackupRun); } }; checked!( repo.save_backup(&backup, &backup_name), "save backup file", ErrorCode::SaveBackup ); print_backup(&backup); } Arguments::Restore { repo_path, backup_name, inode, dst_path, tar } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, true)); let backup = try!(get_backup(&repo, &backup_name)); let inode = try!(get_inode(&mut repo, &backup, inode.as_ref())); if tar { checked!( repo.export_tarfile(&backup, inode, &dst_path), "restore backup", ErrorCode::RestoreRun ); } else { checked!( repo.restore_inode_tree(&backup, inode, &dst_path), "restore backup", ErrorCode::RestoreRun ); } tr_info!("Restore finished"); } Arguments::Copy { repo_path_src, backup_name_src, repo_path_dst, backup_name_dst } => { if repo_path_src != repo_path_dst { tr_error!("Can only run copy on same repository"); return Err(ErrorCode::InvalidArgs); } let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path_src, false)); if repo.has_backup(&backup_name_dst) { tr_error!("A backup with that name already exists"); return Err(ErrorCode::BackupAlreadyExists); } let backup = try!(get_backup(&repo, &backup_name_src)); checked!( repo.save_backup(&backup, &backup_name_dst), "save backup file", ErrorCode::SaveBackup ); } Arguments::Remove { repo_path, backup_name, inode, force } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, true)); if let Some(inode) = inode { let mut backup = try!(get_backup(&repo, &backup_name)); checked!( repo.remove_backup_path(&mut backup, inode), "remove backup subpath", ErrorCode::RemoveRun ); checked!( repo.save_backup(&backup, &backup_name), "save backup file", ErrorCode::SaveBackup ); tr_info!("The backup subpath has been deleted, run vacuum to reclaim space"); } else if repo.get_layout().backups_path().join(&backup_name).is_dir() { let backups = checked!( repo.get_backups(&backup_name), "retrieve backups", ErrorCode::RemoveRun ); if force { for name in backups.keys() { checked!( repo.delete_backup(&format!("{}/{}", &backup_name, name)), "delete backup", ErrorCode::RemoveRun ); } } else { tr_error!("Denying to remove multiple backups (use --force):"); for name in backups.keys() { println!(" - {}/{}", backup_name, name); } } } else { checked!( repo.delete_backup(&backup_name), "delete backup", ErrorCode::RemoveRun ); tr_info!("The backup has been deleted, run vacuum to reclaim space"); } } Arguments::Prune { repo_path, prefix, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, force } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, true)); if daily + weekly + monthly + yearly == 0 { tr_error!("This would remove all those backups"); return Err(ErrorCode::UnsafeArgs); } checked!( repo.prune_backups(&prefix, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, force), "prune backups", ErrorCode::PruneRun ); if !force { tr_info!("Run with --force to actually execute this command"); } } Arguments::Vacuum { repo_path, ratio, force, combine } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, true)); let info_before =; checked!( repo.vacuum(ratio, combine, force), "vacuum", ErrorCode::VacuumRun ); if !force { tr_info!("Run with --force to actually execute this command"); } else { let info_after =; tr_info!( "Reclaimed {}", to_file_size(info_before.encoded_data_size - info_after.encoded_data_size) ); } } Arguments::Check { repo_path, backup_name, inode, bundles, index, bundle_data, repair } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, true)); checked!( repo.check_repository(repair), "check repository", ErrorCode::CheckRun ); if bundles { checked!( repo.check_bundles(bundle_data, repair), "check bundles", ErrorCode::CheckRun ); } if index { checked!(repo.check_index(repair), "check index", ErrorCode::CheckRun); } if let Some(backup_name) = backup_name { let mut backup = try!(get_backup(&repo, &backup_name)); if let Some(path) = inode { checked!( repo.check_backup_inode(&backup_name, &mut backup, Path::new(&path), repair), "check inode", ErrorCode::CheckRun ) } else { checked!( repo.check_backup(&backup_name, &mut backup, repair), "check backup", ErrorCode::CheckRun ) } } else { checked!( repo.check_backups(repair), "check repository", ErrorCode::CheckRun ) } repo.set_clean(); tr_info!("Integrity verified") } Arguments::List { repo_path, backup_name, inode } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, false)); let backup_map = if let Some(backup_name) = backup_name { if repo.get_layout().backups_path().join(&backup_name).is_dir() { repo.get_backups(&backup_name) } else { let backup = try!(get_backup(&repo, &backup_name)); let inode = checked!( repo.get_backup_inode( &backup, inode.as_ref().map(|v| v as &str).unwrap_or("/") ), "load subpath inode", ErrorCode::LoadInode ); println!("{}", format_inode_one_line(&inode)); if let Some(children) = inode.children { for chunks in children.values() { let inode = checked!( repo.get_inode(chunks), "load child inode", ErrorCode::LoadInode ); println!("- {}", format_inode_one_line(&inode)); } } return Ok(()); } } else { repo.get_all_backups() }; let backup_map = match backup_map { Ok(backup_map) => backup_map, Err(RepositoryError::BackupFile(BackupFileError::PartialBackupsList(backup_map, _failed))) => { tr_warn!("Some backups could not be read, ignoring them"); backup_map } Err(err) => { tr_error!("Failed to load backup files: {}", err); return Err(ErrorCode::LoadBackup); } }; print_backups(&backup_map); } Arguments::Info { repo_path, backup_name, inode } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, false)); if let Some(backup_name) = backup_name { let backup = try!(get_backup(&repo, &backup_name)); if let Some(inode) = inode { let inode = checked!( repo.get_backup_inode(&backup, inode), "load subpath inode", ErrorCode::LoadInode ); print_inode(&inode); } else { print_backup(&backup); } } else { print_repoinfo(&; } } Arguments::Statistics { repo_path } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, false)); print_repostats(&repo.statistics()); } Arguments::Duplicates { repo_path, backup_name, inode, min_size } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, true)); let backup = try!(get_backup(&repo, &backup_name)); let inode = try!(get_inode(&mut repo, &backup, inode.as_ref())); let dups = checked!( repo.find_duplicates(&inode, min_size), "find duplicates", ErrorCode::DuplicatesRun ); print_duplicates(dups); } Arguments::Mount { repo_path, backup_name, inode, mount_point } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, true)); let fs = if let Some(backup_name) = backup_name { if repo.get_layout().backups_path().join(&backup_name).is_dir() { checked!( FuseFilesystem::from_repository(&mut repo, Some(&backup_name)), "create fuse filesystem", ErrorCode::FuseMount ) } else { let backup = try!(get_backup(&repo, &backup_name)); if let Some(inode) = inode { let inode = checked!( repo.get_backup_inode(&backup, inode), "load subpath inode", ErrorCode::LoadInode ); checked!( FuseFilesystem::from_inode(&mut repo, backup, inode), "create fuse filesystem", ErrorCode::FuseMount ) } else { checked!( FuseFilesystem::from_backup(&mut repo, backup), "create fuse filesystem", ErrorCode::FuseMount ) } } } else { checked!( FuseFilesystem::from_repository(&mut repo, None), "create fuse filesystem", ErrorCode::FuseMount ) }; tr_info!("Mounting the filesystem..."); tr_info!( "Please unmount the filesystem via 'fusermount -u {}' when done.", mount_point ); checked!( fs.mount(&mount_point), "mount filesystem", ErrorCode::FuseMount ); } Arguments::Analyze { repo_path } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, true)); print_analysis(&checked!( repo.analyze_usage(), "analyze repository", ErrorCode::AnalyzeRun )); } Arguments::BundleList { repo_path } => { let repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, true)); for bundle in repo.list_bundles() { print_bundle_one_line(bundle); } } Arguments::BundleInfo { repo_path, bundle_id } => { let repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, true)); if let Some(bundle) = repo.get_bundle(&bundle_id) { print_bundle(bundle); } else { tr_error!("No such bundle"); return Err(ErrorCode::LoadBundle); } } Arguments::Import { repo_path, remote_path, key_files } => { checked!( BackupRepository::import(repo_path, remote_path, key_files), "import repository", ErrorCode::ImportRun ); tr_info!("Import finished"); } Arguments::Versions { repo_path, path } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, true)); let mut found = false; for (name, mut inode) in checked!( repo.find_versions(&path), "find versions", ErrorCode::VersionsRun ) { = format!("{}::{}", name, &path); println!("{}", format_inode_one_line(&inode)); found = true; } if !found { tr_info!("No versions of that file were found."); } } Arguments::Diff { repo_path_old, backup_name_old, inode_old, repo_path_new, backup_name_new, inode_new } => { if repo_path_old != repo_path_new { tr_error!("Can only run diff on same repository"); return Err(ErrorCode::InvalidArgs); } let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path_old, true)); let backup_old = try!(get_backup(&repo, &backup_name_old)); let backup_new = try!(get_backup(&repo, &backup_name_new)); let inode1 = checked!( repo.get_backup_inode(&backup_old, inode_old.unwrap_or_else(|| "/".to_string())), "load subpath inode", ErrorCode::LoadInode ); let inode2 = checked!( repo.get_backup_inode(&backup_new, inode_new.unwrap_or_else(|| "/".to_string())), "load subpath inode", ErrorCode::LoadInode ); let diffs = checked!( repo.find_differences(&inode1, &inode2), "find differences", ErrorCode::DiffRun ); for diff in &diffs { println!( "{} {:?}", match diff.0 { DiffType::Add => "add", DiffType::Mod => "mod", DiffType::Del => "del", }, diff.1 ); } if diffs.is_empty() { tr_info!("No differences found"); } } Arguments::Config { repo_path, bundle_size, chunker, compression, encryption, hash } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, false)); let mut changed = false; let mut config = repo.get_config().clone(); if let Some(bundle_size) = bundle_size { config.bundle_size = bundle_size; changed = true; } if let Some(chunker) = chunker { tr_warn!( "Changing the chunker makes it impossible to use existing data for deduplication" ); config.chunker = chunker; changed = true; } if let Some(compression) = compression { config.compression = compression; changed = true; } if let Some(encryption) = encryption { repo.set_encryption(encryption.as_ref()); changed = true; } if let Some(hash) = hash { tr_warn!( "Changing the hash makes it impossible to use existing data for deduplication" ); config.hash = hash; changed = true; } if changed { repo.set_config(config); checked!(repo.save_config(), "save config", ErrorCode::SaveConfig); tr_info!("The configuration has been updated."); } else { print_config(repo.get_config()); } } Arguments::GenKey { file, password } => { let (public, secret) = match password { None => Crypto::gen_keypair(), Some(ref password) => Crypto::keypair_from_password(password), }; tr_info!("Created the following key pair"); tr_println!("public: {}", to_hex(&public[..])); tr_println!("secret: {}", to_hex(&secret[..])); if let Some(file) = file { checked!( Crypto::save_keypair_to_file(&public, &secret, file), "save key pair", ErrorCode::SaveKey ); } } Arguments::AddKey { repo_path, set_default, password, file } => { let mut repo = try!(open_repository(&repo_path, false)); let (public, secret) = if let Some(file) = file { checked!( Crypto::load_keypair_from_file(file), "load key pair", ErrorCode::LoadKey ) } else { tr_info!("Created the following key pair"); let (public, secret) = match password { None => Crypto::gen_keypair(), Some(ref password) => Crypto::keypair_from_password(password), }; tr_println!("public: {}", to_hex(&public[..])); tr_println!("secret: {}", to_hex(&secret[..])); (public, secret) }; checked!( repo.register_key(public, secret), "add key pair", ErrorCode::AddKey ); if set_default { repo.set_encryption(Some(&public)); checked!(repo.save_config(), "save config", ErrorCode::SaveConfig); tr_warn!( "Please store this key pair in a secure location before using the repository" ); } } Arguments::AlgoTest { bundle_size, chunker, compression, encrypt, hash, file } => { algotest::run(&file, bundle_size, chunker, compression, encrypt, hash); } } Ok(()) }