pub mod mount; mod backup_file; mod inode; mod tarfile; mod backup; mod integrity; mod vacuum; pub use self::backup::{BackupOptions, BackupError, DiffType}; pub use self::backup_file::{BackupFile, BackupFileError}; pub use self::inode::{Inode, FileData, FileType, InodeError}; pub use self::integrity::InodeIntegrityError; use ::prelude::*; use std::path::Path; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::Arc; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::Write; const DEFAULT_EXCLUDES: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../docs/excludes.default"); pub struct BackupRepository { layout: Arc, crypto: Arc, repo: Repository } impl BackupRepository { pub fn create, R: AsRef>(path: P, config: &Config, remote: R) -> Result { let layout = Arc::new(RepositoryLayout::new(path.as_ref())); try!(fs::create_dir(layout.base_path())); try!(File::create(layout.excludes_path()).and_then(|mut f| { f.write_all(DEFAULT_EXCLUDES) })); try!(fs::create_dir(layout.keys_path())); let crypto = Arc::new(try!(Crypto::open(layout.keys_path()))); Ok(BackupRepository { crypto: crypto.clone(), layout: layout.clone(), repo: try!(Repository::create(layout, config, crypto, remote)) }) } #[allow(unknown_lints, useless_let_if_seq)] pub fn open>(path: P, online: bool) -> Result { let layout = Arc::new(RepositoryLayout::new(path.as_ref())); let crypto = Arc::new(try!(Crypto::open(layout.keys_path()))); Ok(BackupRepository { crypto: crypto.clone(), layout: layout.clone(), repo: try!(Repository::open(layout, crypto, online)) }) } pub fn import, R: AsRef>(path: P, remote: R, key_files: Vec) -> Result { let config = Config::default(); let mut repo = try!(Self::create(&path, &config, remote)); for file in key_files { try!(repo.crypto.register_keyfile(file)); } repo = try!(Self::open(&path, true)); let mut backups: Vec<(String, BackupFile)> = try!(repo.get_all_backups()).into_iter().collect(); backups.sort_by_key(|&(_, ref b)| b.timestamp); if let Some((name, backup)) = backups.pop() { tr_info!("Taking configuration from the last backup '{}'", name); repo.repo.set_config(backup.config); try!(repo.save_config()) } else { tr_warn!( "No backup found in the repository to take configuration from, please set the configuration manually." ); } Ok(repo) } #[inline] pub fn register_key(&mut self, public: PublicKey, secret: SecretKey) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { try!(self.repo.write_mode()); try!(self.crypto.register_secret_key(public, secret)); Ok(()) } #[inline] pub fn save_config(&mut self) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { self.repo.save_config() } #[inline] pub fn set_encryption(&mut self, public: Option<&PublicKey>) { self.repo.set_encryption(public) } #[inline] pub fn get_inode(&mut self, chunks: &[Chunk]) -> Result { self.repo.get_inode(chunks) } pub fn get_config(&self) -> &Config { self.repo.get_config() } pub fn set_config(&mut self, config: Config) { self.repo.set_config(config); } pub fn get_layout(&self) -> &RepositoryLayout { &self.layout } pub fn info(&self) -> RepositoryInfo { } #[inline] pub fn check_index(&mut self, repair: bool) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { self.repo.check_index(repair) } #[inline] pub fn set_clean(&mut self) { self.repo.set_clean() } pub fn statistics(&self) -> RepositoryStatistics { self.repo.statistics() } #[inline] pub fn list_bundles(&self) -> Vec<&BundleInfo> { self.repo.list_bundles() } #[inline] pub fn get_bundle(&self, bundle: &BundleId) -> Option<&StoredBundle> { self.repo.get_bundle(bundle) } pub fn get_chunk(&mut self, hash: Hash) -> Result>, RepositoryError> { self.repo.get_chunk(hash) } pub fn get_data(&mut self, chunks: &[Chunk]) -> Result, RepositoryError> { self.repo.get_data(chunks) } }