use prelude::*; use std::io::{self, BufReader, BufWriter, Read, Write}; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::collections::HashMap; static HEADER_STRING: [u8; 7] = *b"zvault\x03"; static HEADER_VERSION: u8 = 1; quick_error!{ #[derive(Debug)] pub enum BackupFileError { Read(err: io::Error, path: PathBuf) { cause(err) description(tr!("Failed to read backup")) display("{}", tr_format!("Backup file error: failed to read backup file {:?}\n\tcaused by: {}", path, err)) } Write(err: io::Error, path: PathBuf) { cause(err) description(tr!("Failed to write backup")) display("{}", tr_format!("Backup file error: failed to write backup file {:?}\n\tcaused by: {}", path, err)) } Decode(err: msgpack::DecodeError, path: PathBuf) { cause(err) context(path: &'a Path, err: msgpack::DecodeError) -> (err, path.to_path_buf()) description(tr!("Failed to decode backup")) display("{}", tr_format!("Backup file error: failed to decode backup of {:?}\n\tcaused by: {}", path, err)) } Encode(err: msgpack::EncodeError, path: PathBuf) { cause(err) context(path: &'a Path, err: msgpack::EncodeError) -> (err, path.to_path_buf()) description(tr!("Failed to encode backup")) display("{}", tr_format!("Backup file error: failed to encode backup of {:?}\n\tcaused by: {}", path, err)) } WrongHeader(path: PathBuf) { description(tr!("Wrong header")) display("{}", tr_format!("Backup file error: wrong header on backup {:?}", path)) } UnsupportedVersion(path: PathBuf, version: u8) { description(tr!("Wrong version")) display("{}", tr_format!("Backup file error: unsupported version on backup {:?}: {}", path, version)) } Decryption(err: EncryptionError, path: PathBuf) { cause(err) context(path: &'a Path, err: EncryptionError) -> (err, path.to_path_buf()) description(tr!("Decryption failed")) display("{}", tr_format!("Backup file error: decryption failed on backup {:?}\n\tcaused by: {}", path, err)) } Encryption(err: EncryptionError) { from() cause(err) description(tr!("Encryption failed")) display("{}", tr_format!("Backup file error: encryption failed\n\tcaused by: {}", err)) } PartialBackupsList(partial: HashMap, failed: Vec) { description(tr!("Some backups could not be loaded")) display("{}", tr_format!("Backup file error: some backups could not be loaded: {:?}", failed)) } } } #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)] struct BackupFileHeader { pub encryption: Option } serde_impl!(BackupFileHeader(u8) { encryption: Option => 0 }); #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)] pub struct BackupFile { pub root: ChunkList, pub total_data_size: u64, // Sum of all raw sizes of all entities pub changed_data_size: u64, // Sum of all raw sizes of all entities actively stored pub deduplicated_data_size: u64, // Sum of all raw sizes of all new bundles pub encoded_data_size: u64, // Sum al all encoded sizes of all new bundles pub bundle_count: usize, pub chunk_count: usize, pub avg_chunk_size: f32, pub timestamp: i64, pub duration: f32, pub file_count: usize, pub dir_count: usize, pub host: String, pub path: String, pub config: Config, pub modified: bool, pub user_names: HashMap, pub group_names: HashMap } serde_impl!(BackupFile(u8?) { root: ChunkList => 0, total_data_size: u64 => 1, changed_data_size: u64 => 2, deduplicated_data_size: u64 => 3, encoded_data_size: u64 => 4, bundle_count: usize => 5, chunk_count: usize => 6, avg_chunk_size: f32 => 7, timestamp: i64 => 8, duration: f32 => 9, file_count: usize => 10, dir_count: usize => 11, host: String => 12, path: String => 13, config: Config => 14, modified: bool => 15, user_names: HashMap => 16, group_names: HashMap => 17 }); impl BackupFile { pub fn read_from>(crypto: &Crypto, path: P) -> Result { let path = path.as_ref(); let mut file = BufReader::new(try!(File::open(path).map_err(|err| { BackupFileError::Read(err, path.to_path_buf()) }))); let mut header = [0u8; 8]; try!(file.read_exact(&mut header).map_err(|err| { BackupFileError::Read(err, path.to_path_buf()) })); if header[..HEADER_STRING.len()] != HEADER_STRING { return Err(BackupFileError::WrongHeader(path.to_path_buf())); } let version = header[HEADER_STRING.len()]; if version != HEADER_VERSION { return Err(BackupFileError::UnsupportedVersion( path.to_path_buf(), version )); } let header: BackupFileHeader = try!(msgpack::decode_from_stream(&mut file).context(path)); let mut data = Vec::new(); try!(file.read_to_end(&mut data).map_err(|err| { BackupFileError::Read(err, path.to_path_buf()) })); if let Some(ref encryption) = header.encryption { data = try!(crypto.decrypt(encryption, &data)); } Ok(try!(msgpack::decode(&data).context(path))) } pub fn save_to>( &self, crypto: &Crypto, encryption: Option, path: P, ) -> Result<(), BackupFileError> { let path = path.as_ref(); let mut data = try!(msgpack::encode(self).context(path)); if let Some(ref encryption) = encryption { data = try!(crypto.encrypt(encryption, &data)); } let mut file = BufWriter::new(try!(File::create(path).map_err(|err| { BackupFileError::Write(err, path.to_path_buf()) }))); try!(file.write_all(&HEADER_STRING).map_err(|err| { BackupFileError::Write(err, path.to_path_buf()) })); try!(file.write_all(&[HEADER_VERSION]).map_err(|err| { BackupFileError::Write(err, path.to_path_buf()) })); let header = BackupFileHeader { encryption }; try!(msgpack::encode_to_stream(&header, &mut file).context(path)); try!(file.write_all(&data).map_err(|err| { BackupFileError::Write(err, path.to_path_buf()) })); Ok(()) } pub fn get_all_from>( crypto: &Crypto, path: P, ) -> Result, BackupFileError> { let mut backups = HashMap::new(); let base_path = path.as_ref(); let path = path.as_ref(); if !path.exists() { tr_debug!("Backup root folder does not exist"); return Ok(backups); } let mut paths = vec![path.to_path_buf()]; let mut failed_paths = vec![]; while let Some(path) = paths.pop() { for entry in try!(fs::read_dir(&path).map_err(|e| { BackupFileError::Read(e, path.clone()) })) { let entry = try!(entry.map_err(|e| BackupFileError::Read(e, path.clone()))); let path = entry.path(); if path.is_dir() { paths.push(path); } else { let relpath = path.strip_prefix(&base_path).unwrap(); if relpath.extension() != Some("backup".as_ref()) { continue; } let name = relpath .with_file_name(relpath.file_stem().unwrap()) .to_string_lossy() .to_string(); if let Ok(backup) = BackupFile::read_from(crypto, &path) { backups.insert(name, backup); } else { failed_paths.push(path.clone()); } } } } if failed_paths.is_empty() { Ok(backups) } else { Err(BackupFileError::PartialBackupsList(backups, failed_paths)) } } }