use ::prelude::*; use super::*; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::time::Duration; use pbr::ProgressBar; quick_error!{ #[derive(Debug)] pub enum IntegrityError { MissingChunk(hash: Hash) { description("Missing chunk") display("Missing chunk: {}", hash) } MissingBundleId(id: u32) { description("Missing bundle") display("Missing bundle: {}", id) } MissingBundle(id: BundleId) { description("Missing bundle") display("Missing bundle: {}", id) } NoSuchChunk(bundle: BundleId, chunk: u32) { description("No such chunk") display("Bundle {} does not contain the chunk {}", bundle, chunk) } RemoteBundlesNotInMap { description("Remote bundles missing from map") } MapContainsDuplicates { description("Map contains duplicates") } BrokenInode(path: PathBuf, err: Box) { cause(err) description("Broken inode") display("Broken inode: {:?}\n\tcaused by: {}", path, err) } MissingInodeData(path: PathBuf, err: Box) { cause(err) description("Missing inode data") display("Missing inode data in: {:?}\n\tcaused by: {}", path, err) } } } impl Repository { fn check_index_chunks(&self) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { let mut count = 0; let mut progress = ProgressBar::new(self.index.len() as u64); progress.message("checking index: "); progress.set_max_refresh_rate(Some(Duration::from_millis(100))); let res = self.index.walk(|_hash, location| { // Lookup bundle id from map let bundle_id = try!(self.get_bundle_id(location.bundle)); // Get bundle object from bundledb let bundle = if let Some(bundle) = self.bundles.get_bundle_info(&bundle_id) { bundle } else { return Err(IntegrityError::MissingBundle(bundle_id.clone()).into()) }; // Get chunk from bundle if <= location.chunk as usize { return Err(IntegrityError::NoSuchChunk(bundle_id.clone(), location.chunk).into()) } count += 1; if count % 1000 == 0 { progress.set(count); } Ok(()) }); progress.finish_print("checking index: done."); res } fn check_chunks(&self, checked: &mut Bitmap, chunks: &[Chunk]) -> Result { let mut new = false; for &(hash, _len) in chunks { if let Some(pos) = self.index.pos(&hash) { new |= !checked.get(pos); checked.set(pos); } else { return Err(IntegrityError::MissingChunk(hash).into()) } } Ok(new) } fn check_inode_contents(&mut self, inode: &Inode, checked: &mut Bitmap) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { match { None | Some(FileData::Inline(_)) => (), Some(FileData::ChunkedDirect(ref chunks)) => { try!(self.check_chunks(checked, chunks)); }, Some(FileData::ChunkedIndirect(ref chunks)) => { if try!(self.check_chunks(checked, chunks)) { let chunk_data = try!(self.get_data(&chunks)); let chunks = ChunkList::read_from(&chunk_data); try!(self.check_chunks(checked, &chunks)); } } } Ok(()) } fn check_subtree(&mut self, path: PathBuf, chunks: &[Chunk], checked: &mut Bitmap) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { let mut todo = VecDeque::new(); todo.push_back((path, ChunkList::from(chunks.to_vec()))); while let Some((path, chunks)) = todo.pop_front() { match self.check_chunks(checked, &chunks) { Ok(false) => continue, // checked this chunk list before Ok(true) => (), Err(err) => return Err(IntegrityError::BrokenInode(path, Box::new(err)).into()) } let inode = try!(self.get_inode(&chunks)); // Mark the content chunks as used if let Err(err) = self.check_inode_contents(&inode, checked) { return Err(IntegrityError::MissingInodeData(path, Box::new(err)).into()) } // Put children in todo if let Some(children) = inode.children { for (name, chunks) in children { todo.push_back((path.join(name), chunks)); } } } Ok(()) } #[inline] pub fn check_backup(&mut self, backup: &Backup) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { info!("Checking backup..."); let mut checked = Bitmap::new(self.index.capacity()); self.check_subtree(Path::new("").to_path_buf(), &backup.root, &mut checked) } pub fn check_inode(&mut self, inode: &Inode, path: &Path) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { info!("Checking inode..."); let mut checked = Bitmap::new(self.index.capacity()); try!(self.check_inode_contents(inode, &mut checked)); if let Some(ref children) = inode.children { for chunks in children.values() { try!(self.check_subtree(path.to_path_buf(), chunks, &mut checked)) } } Ok(()) } pub fn check_backups(&mut self) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { info!("Checking backups..."); let mut checked = Bitmap::new(self.index.capacity()); let backup_map = match self.get_backups() { Ok(backup_map) => backup_map, Err(RepositoryError::BackupFile(BackupFileError::PartialBackupsList(backup_map, _failed))) => { warn!("Some backups could not be read, ignoring them"); backup_map }, Err(err) => return Err(err) }; for (name, backup) in ProgressIter::new("ckecking backups", backup_map.len(), backup_map.into_iter()) { let path = name+"::"; try!(self.check_subtree(Path::new(&path).to_path_buf(), &backup.root, &mut checked)); } Ok(()) } pub fn check_repository(&mut self) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { info!("Checking repository integrity..."); for (_id, bundle_id) in self.bundle_map.bundles() { if self.bundles.get_bundle_info(&bundle_id).is_none() { return Err(IntegrityError::MissingBundle(bundle_id).into()) } } if self.bundle_map.len() < self.bundles.len() { return Err(IntegrityError::RemoteBundlesNotInMap.into()) } if self.bundle_map.len() > self.bundles.len() { return Err(IntegrityError::MapContainsDuplicates.into()) } Ok(()) } pub fn rebuild_bundle_map(&mut self) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { info!("Rebuilding bundle map from bundles"); self.bundle_map = BundleMap::create(); for bundle in self.bundles.list_bundles() { let bundle_id = match bundle.mode { BundleMode::Data => self.next_data_bundle, BundleMode::Meta => self.next_meta_bundle }; self.bundle_map.set(bundle_id,; if self.next_meta_bundle == bundle_id { self.next_meta_bundle = self.next_free_bundle_id() } if self.next_data_bundle == bundle_id { self.next_data_bundle = self.next_free_bundle_id() } } self.save_bundle_map() } pub fn rebuild_index(&mut self) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { info!("Rebuilding index from bundles"); self.index.clear(); for (num, id) in self.bundle_map.bundles() { let chunks = try!(self.bundles.get_chunk_list(&id)); for (i, (hash, _len)) in chunks.into_inner().into_iter().enumerate() { try!(self.index.set(&hash, &Location{bundle: num as u32, chunk: i as u32})); } } Ok(()) } #[inline] pub fn check_index(&mut self, repair: bool) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { if repair { try!(self.write_mode()); } info!("Checking index integrity..."); if let Err(err) = self.index.check() { if repair { warn!("Problem detected: index was corrupted\n\tcaused by: {}", err); return self.rebuild_index(); } else { return Err(err.into()) } } info!("Checking index entries..."); if let Err(err) = self.check_index_chunks() { if repair { warn!("Problem detected: index entries were inconsistent\n\tcaused by: {}", err); return self.rebuild_index(); } else { return Err(err.into()) } } Ok(()) } #[inline] pub fn check_bundles(&mut self, full: bool, repair: bool) -> Result<(), RepositoryError> { if repair { try!(self.write_mode()); } info!("Checking bundle integrity..."); if try!(self.bundles.check(full, repair)) { // Some bundles got repaired try!(self.bundles.finish_uploads()); try!(self.rebuild_bundle_map()); try!(self.rebuild_index()); } Ok(()) } }