use std::ptr; use std::ffi::{CStr, CString}; use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::str::FromStr; use squash::*; quick_error!{ #[derive(Debug)] pub enum CompressionError { UnsupportedCodec(name: String) { description("Unsupported codec") display("Unsupported codec: {}", name) } InitializeCodec { description("Failed to initialize codec") } InitializeOptions { description("Failed to set codec options") } InitializeStream { description("Failed to create stream") } Operation(reason: &'static str) { description("Operation failed") display("Operation failed: {}", reason) } Output(err: io::Error) { from() cause(err) description("Failed to write to output") } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy)] pub enum CompressionAlgo { Deflate, // Standardized Brotli, // Good speed and ratio Lzma2, // Very good ratio, slow Lz4 // Very fast, low ratio } serde_impl!(CompressionAlgo(u8) { Deflate => 0, Brotli => 1, Lzma2 => 2, Lz4 => 3 }); #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Compression { algo: CompressionAlgo, level: u8 } impl Default for Compression { fn default() -> Self { Compression { algo: CompressionAlgo::Brotli, level: 3 } } } serde_impl!(Compression(u64) { algo: CompressionAlgo => 0, level: u8 => 1 }); impl Compression { #[inline] pub fn to_string(&self) -> String { format!("{}/{}",, self.level) } #[inline] pub fn from_string(name: &str) -> Result<Self, CompressionError> { let (name, level) = if let Some(pos) = name.find('/') { let level = try!(u8::from_str(&name[pos+1..]).map_err(|_| CompressionError::UnsupportedCodec(name.to_string()))); let name = &name[..pos]; (name, level) } else { (name, 5) }; let algo = match name { "deflate" | "zlib" | "gzip" => CompressionAlgo::Deflate, "brotli" => CompressionAlgo::Brotli, "lzma2" => CompressionAlgo::Lzma2, "lz4" => CompressionAlgo::Lz4, _ => return Err(CompressionError::UnsupportedCodec(name.to_string())) }; Ok(Compression { algo: algo, level: level }) } #[inline] pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str { match self.algo { CompressionAlgo::Deflate => "deflate", CompressionAlgo::Brotli => "brotli", CompressionAlgo::Lzma2 => "lzma2", CompressionAlgo::Lz4 => "lz4", } } #[inline] fn codec(&self) -> Result<*mut SquashCodec, CompressionError> { let name = CString::new(; let codec = unsafe { squash_get_codec(name.as_ptr()) }; if codec.is_null() { return Err(CompressionError::InitializeCodec) } Ok(codec) } #[inline] pub fn level(&self) -> u8 { self.level } fn options(&self) -> Result<*mut SquashOptions, CompressionError> { let codec = try!(self.codec()); let options = unsafe { squash_options_new(codec, ptr::null::<()>()) }; if options.is_null() { return Err(CompressionError::InitializeOptions) } let option = CString::new("level"); let value = CString::new(format!("{}", self.level)); let res = unsafe { squash_options_parse_option( options, option.unwrap().as_ptr(), value.unwrap().as_ptr() )}; if res != SQUASH_OK { //panic!(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(squash_status_to_string(res)).to_str().unwrap() }); return Err(CompressionError::InitializeOptions) } Ok(options) } #[inline] fn error(code: SquashStatus) -> CompressionError { CompressionError::Operation(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(squash_status_to_string(code)).to_str().unwrap() }) } pub fn compress(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, CompressionError> { let codec = try!(self.codec()); let options = try!(self.options()); let mut size = data.len() * 2 + 500; // The following does not work for all codecs /*unsafe { squash_codec_get_max_compressed_size( codec, data.len() as usize )};*/ let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(size as usize); let res = unsafe { squash_codec_compress_with_options( codec, &mut size, buf.as_mut_ptr(), data.len(), data.as_ptr(), options) }; if res != SQUASH_OK { println!("{:?}", data); println!("{}, {}", data.len(), size); return Err(Self::error(res)) } unsafe { buf.set_len(size) }; Ok(buf) } pub fn decompress(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, CompressionError> { let codec = try!(self.codec()); let mut size = unsafe { squash_codec_get_uncompressed_size( codec, data.len(), data.as_ptr() )}; if size == 0 { size = 100 * data.len(); } let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(size); let res = unsafe { squash_codec_decompress( codec, &mut size, buf.as_mut_ptr(), data.len(), data.as_ptr(), ptr::null_mut::<()>()) }; if res != SQUASH_OK { return Err(Self::error(res)) } unsafe { buf.set_len(size) }; Ok(buf) } #[inline] pub fn compress_stream(&self) -> Result<CompressionStream, CompressionError> { let codec = try!(self.codec()); let options = try!(self.options()); let stream = unsafe { squash_stream_new_with_options( codec, SQUASH_STREAM_COMPRESS, options ) }; if stream.is_null() { return Err(CompressionError::InitializeStream); } Ok(CompressionStream::new(unsafe { Box::from_raw(stream) })) } #[inline] pub fn decompress_stream(&self) -> Result<CompressionStream, CompressionError> { let codec = try!(self.codec()); let stream = unsafe { squash_stream_new( codec, SQUASH_STREAM_DECOMPRESS, ptr::null::<()>() ) }; if stream.is_null() { return Err(CompressionError::InitializeStream); } Ok(CompressionStream::new(unsafe { Box::from_raw(stream) })) } } pub struct CompressionStream { stream: Box<SquashStream>, buffer: [u8; 16*1024] } impl CompressionStream { #[inline] fn new(stream: Box<SquashStream>) -> Self { CompressionStream { stream: stream, buffer: [0; 16*1024] } } pub fn process<W: Write>(&mut self, input: &[u8], output: &mut W) -> Result<(), CompressionError> { let mut stream = &mut *; stream.next_in = input.as_ptr(); stream.avail_in = input.len(); loop { stream.next_out = self.buffer.as_mut_ptr(); stream.avail_out = self.buffer.len(); let res = unsafe { squash_stream_process(stream) }; if res < 0 { return Err(Compression::error(res)) } let output_size = self.buffer.len() - stream.avail_out; try!(output.write_all(&self.buffer[..output_size])); if res != SQUASH_PROCESSING { break } } Ok(()) } pub fn finish<W: Write>(mut self, output: &mut W) -> Result<(), CompressionError> { let mut stream = &mut *; loop { stream.next_out = self.buffer.as_mut_ptr(); stream.avail_out = self.buffer.len(); let res = unsafe { squash_stream_finish(stream) }; if res < 0 { return Err(Compression::error(res)) } let output_size = self.buffer.len() - stream.avail_out; try!(output.write_all(&self.buffer[..output_size])); if res != SQUASH_PROCESSING { break } } Ok(()) } }