
139 lines
4.7 KiB
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2017-03-10 11:43:32 +00:00
mod config;
mod bundle_map;
mod integrity;
mod basic_io;
use std::mem;
use std::cmp::max;
use std::path::{PathBuf, Path};
use std::fs;
use super::index::Index;
use super::bundle::{BundleDb, BundleWriter};
use super::chunker::Chunker;
pub use self::config::Config;
use self::bundle_map::{BundleMap, BundleInfo};
#[derive(Eq, Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Mode {
Content, Meta
pub struct Repository {
path: PathBuf,
config: Config,
index: Index,
bundle_map: BundleMap,
next_content_bundle: u32,
next_meta_bundle: u32,
bundles: BundleDb,
content_bundle: Option<BundleWriter>,
meta_bundle: Option<BundleWriter>,
chunker: Chunker
impl Repository {
pub fn create<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, config: Config) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
let path = path.as_ref().to_owned();
try!(fs::create_dir(&path).map_err(|_| "Failed to create repository directory"));
let bundles = try!(BundleDb::create(
None, //FIXME: store encryption in config
).map_err(|_| "Failed to create bundle db"));
let index = try!(Index::create(&path.join("index")).map_err(|_| "Failed to create index"));
try!(config.save(path.join("config.yaml")).map_err(|_| "Failed to save config"));
let bundle_map = BundleMap::create();
try!(bundle_map.save(path.join("bundles.map")).map_err(|_| "Failed to save bundle map"));
path: path,
chunker: config.chunker.create(),
config: config,
index: index,
bundle_map: bundle_map,
next_content_bundle: 1,
next_meta_bundle: 0,
bundles: bundles,
content_bundle: None,
meta_bundle: None,
pub fn open<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
let path = path.as_ref().to_owned();
let config = try!(Config::load(path.join("config.yaml")).map_err(|_| "Failed to load config"));
let bundles = try!(BundleDb::open(
None, //FIXME: load encryption from config
).map_err(|_| "Failed to open bundle db"));
let index = try!(Index::open(&path.join("index")).map_err(|_| "Failed to open index"));
let bundle_map = try!(BundleMap::load(path.join("bundles.map")).map_err(|_| "Failed to load bundle map"));
let mut repo = Repository {
path: path,
chunker: config.chunker.create(),
config: config,
index: index,
bundle_map: bundle_map,
next_content_bundle: 0,
next_meta_bundle: 0,
bundles: bundles,
content_bundle: None,
meta_bundle: None,
repo.next_meta_bundle = repo.next_free_bundle_id();
repo.next_content_bundle = repo.next_free_bundle_id();
fn save_bundle_map(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
fn next_free_bundle_id(&self) -> u32 {
let mut id = max(self.next_content_bundle, self.next_meta_bundle) + 1;
while self.bundle_map.get(id).is_some() {
id += 1;
pub fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
if self.content_bundle.is_some() {
let mut finished = None;
mem::swap(&mut self.content_bundle, &mut finished);
let bundle = try!(self.bundles.add_bundle(finished.unwrap()).map_err(|_| "Failed to write finished bundle"));
let bundle_info = BundleInfo{id: bundle.id.clone()};
self.bundle_map.set(self.next_content_bundle, bundle_info);
self.next_content_bundle = self.next_free_bundle_id()
if self.meta_bundle.is_some() {
let mut finished = None;
mem::swap(&mut self.meta_bundle, &mut finished);
let bundle = try!(self.bundles.add_bundle(finished.unwrap()).map_err(|_| "Failed to write finished bundle"));
let bundle_info = BundleInfo{id: bundle.id.clone()};
self.bundle_map.set(self.next_meta_bundle, bundle_info);
self.next_meta_bundle = self.next_free_bundle_id()
try!(self.save_bundle_map().map_err(|_| "Failed to save bundle map"));
impl Drop for Repository {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.flush().expect("Failed to write last bundles")