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vpncloud (2.3.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Added build for armv5te (thanks to xek)
* [added] Option to specify advertised addresses
* [added] Peers now learn their own address from peers
* [changed] Changed Rust version to 1.57.0
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [fixed] Fixed problem with IPv4 addresses in listen option
* [fixed] Fixed periodic broadcast messages in switch mode
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel+vpncloud@googlemail.com> Thu, 23 Dec 2021 20:41:00 +0100
vpncloud (2.2.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Service target file (thanks to mnhauke)
* [added] Added interactive configuration wizard
* [added] Support for (un-)installation
* [added] Building static binaries
* [added] Building i686 rpm
* [changed] Restructured example config
* [changed] Changed Rust version to 1.51.0
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [changed] Change permissions of /etc/vpncloud
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel+vpncloud@googlemail.com> Tue, 06 Apr 2021 12:27:00 +0200
vpncloud (2.1.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Support for websocket proxy mode
* [added] Support for hook scripts to handle certain situations
* [added] Support for creating shell completions
* [removed] Removed dummy device type
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [changed] Changed Rust version to 1.49.0
* [fixed] Added missing peer address propagation
* [fixed] Fixed problem with peer addresses without port
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@googlemail.com> Sat, 06 Feb 2021 13:13:00 +0100
vpncloud (2.0.1) stable; urgency=medium
* [changed] Changed documentation
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [changed] Retrying connections for 120 secs
* [changed] Resetting own addresses periodically
* [changed] Using smallvec everywhere
* [changed] Assume default port for peers without port
* [fixed] Fixed corner case with lost init message
* [fixed] Do not reconnect to timed out pending connections
* [fixed] Most specific claims beat less specific claims
* [fixed] Count all invalid protocol traffic
* [fixed] Fixed compile with musl
* [fixed] Fixed time format in logs
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@googlemail.com> Sat, 07 Nov 2020 12:28:00 +0100
vpncloud (2.0.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] **Add strong crypto, complete rewrite of crypto system**
* [added] Automatically claim addresses based on interface addresses (disable with --no-auto-claim)
* [added] Allow to give --ip instead of ifup cmd
* [added] Automatically set optimal MTU on interface
* [added] Warning for disabled or loose rp_filter setting
* [added] Add --fix-rp-filter to fix rp filter settings
* [added] Offer to migrate old configs
* [changed] **Complete change of network protocol**
* [changed] Negotiate crypto method per peer, select best method
* [changed] Make encryption the default, no encryption must be stated explicitly
* [changed] Changed default device type to TUN
* [changed] Rename subnet to claim
* [changed] Set peer exchange interval to 5 minutes
* [changed] Periodically send claims with peer list
* [changed] Changed Rust version to 1.47.0
* [removed] Remove network-id parameter
* [removed] Remove port config option in favor of --listen
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@googlemail.com> Fri, 30 Oct 2020 22:07:00 +0100
vpncloud (1.4.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Added option to listen on specified IP
* [added] Added support for statsd monitoring
* [changed] No longer using two sockets for ipv4 and ipv6
* [changed] Warning for missing router is now info
* [changed] New warning on claimed addresses in learning mode
* [changed] Rewrote argument parsing
* [changed] Changed stats file format to YAML
* [changed] Using asciidoc for manpage
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [fixed] Fixed problem that could lead to 100% cpu consumption
* [fixed] Fixed startup race condition
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@googlemail.com> Wed, 03 Jun 2020 17:46:00 +0200
vpncloud (1.3.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Building for aarch64 aka arm64 (thanks to Ivan)
* [added] Added feature to disable special NAT support
* [changed] Improved port forwarding on quirky routers
* [changed] Reduced peer timeout to 5min to work better with NAT
* [changed] Improved builder scripts
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [fixed] Fixed problem with growing stats file
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@googlemail.com> Sat, 25 Jan 2020 13:49:34 +0100
vpncloud (1.2.1) stable; urgency=medium
* [fixed] Fixed a problem with service restrictions
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@googlemail.com> Sun, 22 Dec 2019 16:47:38 +0100
vpncloud (1.2.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Added service restrictions to systemd
* [changed] Rust version 1.40.0
* [changed] Also drop privileges in foreground mode
* [changed] Set builders to Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7
* [changed] Set keepalive to 120 secs when NAT is detected
* [changed] Deleting beacon file at shutdown
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [fixed] Added parameter keepalive to manpage
* [fixed] Fixed problems on stats file when dropping permissions
* [fixed] Deleting files before overwriting them
* [fixed] Fixed duplicate port bindings
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@googlemail.com> Fri, 20 Dec 2019 16:31:07 +0100
vpncloud (1.1.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Exchange peer timeout and adapt keepalive accordingly
* [added] Reducing published peer timeout to 5 min when NAT is detected
* [added] Added more tests
* [changed] Rust version 1.41.0
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [fixed] Fixed potential startup dependency issue
* [fixed] Fixed wrong base62 encoding
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@googlemail.com> Thu, 04 Dec 2019 19:01:34 +0100
vpncloud (1.0.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Added ability to publish small beacons for rendezvous
* [added] Added build chain for packages
* [added] Added more tests
* [changed] Allow to build binary without manpage
* [changed] Rust edition 2018
* [changed] Rust version 1.33.0
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [fixed] Fixed bug that could cause repeated initialization messages
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@googlemail.com> Thu, 21 Mar 2019 18:06:19 +0100
vpncloud (0.9.1) stable; urgency=medium
* [fixed] Fixed bug in new hex secret key functionality
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@googlemail.com> Sat, 16 Jan 2019 15:21:32 +0100
vpncloud (0.9.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Added support for cross-compilation
* [added] Added keepalive option for nodes behind NAT
* [added] Added ability to write out statistics file with peers and traffic info
* [added] Added dummy device type that does not allocate an interface
* [added] Added ability to change /dev/tun path
* [changed] Using ring instead of libsodium
* [changed] Using PBKDF2 for shared keys (**incompatible**)
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [fixed] Hashed magics now also consider first character (**incompatible**)
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@googlemail.com> Fri, 15 Jan 2019 23:44:54 +0100
vpncloud (0.8.2) stable; urgency=medium
* [changed] Using serde instead of rustc_serialize
* [changed] Updated libsodium to 1.0.16
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [changed] Making clippy happy
* [fixed] Fixed wrong address
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@googlemail.com> Wed, 02 Jan 2019 19:09:20 +0100
vpncloud (0.8.1) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Added more tests
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [changed] Updated libsodium to 1.0.12
* [changed] Small fixes to make clippy happy
* [changed] Removed a layer of indirection from inner loop
* [fixed] Fixed two problems with routing table
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@informatik.uni-kl.de> Tue, 09 May 2017 09:16:31 +0200
vpncloud (0.8.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Support for automatic port forwarding via UPnP
* [added] Added `-s` shorthand for `--subnet`
* [added] Support for YAML config file via `--config`
* [added] Support for running in the background
* [added] Support for dropping permissions
* [added] Support for writing a pid file
* [added] Support for writing logs to logfile
* [changed] Not overriding recently learnt addresses in switch mode
* [changed] Caching resolved addresses to increase performance
* [changed] Configurable magic header is now used instead of Network-ID (**incompatible**)
* [changed] Clarified documentation on TUN netmasks
* [changed] Added timestamps to output
* [changed] Using new YAML config instead of old config files (**incompatible**)
* [changed] Prefer IPv4 over IPv6 when possible
* [fixed] Fixed documentation of listen parameter
* [fixed] Fixed problem with multiple subnets
* [fixed] Fixed problem with interrupted poll after suspend to ram
* [fixed] Forgot to extend peer timeout on peer exchange
* [fixed] No longer broadcasting to additional addresses
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@informatik.uni-kl.de> Fri, 25 Nov 2016 07:30:17 +0100
vpncloud (0.7.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Added more tests
* [added] Added pluggable polling system
* [added] Added documentation
* [changed] Code cleanup
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [changed] Turned some clippy warnings off
* [changed] Cross-compiling for ARM
* [changed] Updated libsodium to 1.0.11
* [removed] Removed Address remove code for prefix table
* [fixed] Reconnecting to lost peers when receiving from them or sending to them
* [fixed] Sending peer list more often to prevent timeouts
* [fixed] Removing learnt addresses of lost peers
* [fixed] Fixed possible crash in message decoding
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@informatik.uni-kl.de> Fri, 05 Aug 2016 08:47:06 +0200
vpncloud (0.6.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Exponential backoff for reconnect timeouts
* [added] Systemd compatible startup scripts
* [changed] Repeatedly resolving connect addresses to allow DynDNS
* [changed] Listening on IPv4 and IPv6
* [changed] Using SO_REUSEADDR to allow frequent rebinding
* [changed] Building and using local libsodium library automatically
* [changed] Updated dependencies
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@informatik.uni-kl.de> Thu, 02 Jun 2016 09:33:01 +0200
vpncloud (0.5.0) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Added license and copyright information
* [added] Added documentation for daemon config files
* [added] Script for performance measurements
* [added] Added more tests and benchmarks
* [changed] Daemon now detects network config files on its own
* [changed] Using display format for addresses
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [changed] New measurements
* [changed] Only calling crypto_init once
* [changed] Passing listen address as &str
* [changed] Using FNV hash for better performance
* [changed] Using slice operations instead of loops
* [changed] Updated libsodium to 1.0.10
* [changed] Renamed default.net to example.net
* [fixed] Fixed wrong hex address formatting
* [fixed] Fixed peer exchange for more than 65000 peers
* [fixed] Initializing crypto for benchmarks
* [fixed] Removing learned addresses of lost peers
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@informatik.uni-kl.de> Tue, 05 Apr 2016 15:33:20 +0200
vpncloud (0.4.3) stable; urgency=medium
* [changed] Updated libsodium to 1.0.8
* [fixed] Fixed problem with nodes broadcasting to themselves
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@informatik.uni-kl.de> Tue, 02 Feb 2016 11:27:04 +0100
vpncloud (0.4.2) stable; urgency=medium
* [changed] Updated dependencies
* [changed] New measurements
* [changed] Using copy trait more often
* [fixed] Fixed deb changelog
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@informatik.uni-kl.de> Tue, 19 Jan 2016 21:56:12 +0100
vpncloud (0.4.1) stable; urgency=medium
* [changed] Logging more verbosely
* [fixed] Removing NULL-bytes from interface name
* [fixed] Supporting hostnames as peers
* [fixed] No longer encrypting multiple times
* [fixed] Properly decoding protocol header when sending
* [fixed] Corrected size of read data
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@informatik.uni-kl.de> Tue, 22 Dec 2015 22:51:30 +0100
vpncloud (0.4) stable; urgency=medium
* [added] Init script
* [changed] Removed last payload memcopy
* [changed] Using RNG to select peers for peers list exchange
* [changed] Updated dependency versions
* [changed] Updated documentation
* [fixed] Printing errors instead of panics in some cases
* [fixed] Build script for Debian packages
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@informatik.uni-kl.de> Tue, 22 Dec 2015 19:23:26 +0100
vpncloud (0.3.1) stable; urgency=medium
* Preventing nodes from connecting to themselves
* Flushing TAP/TUN device after writing to it
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@informatik.uni-kl.de> Thu, 03 Dec 2015 21:53:43 +0100
vpncloud (0.3.0) stable; urgency=medium
* Inluding libsodium-1.0.7
* Support for AES256
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@informatik.uni-kl.de> Tue, 01 Dec 2015 16:12:16 +0100
vpncloud (0.2.0) stable; urgency=medium
* More stable release
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@informatik.uni-kl.de> Thu, 26 Nov 2015 17:41:40 +0100
vpncloud (0.1.0) stable; urgency=medium
* Initial release
-- Dennis Schwerdel <schwerdel@informatik.uni-kl.de> Tue, 24 Nov 2015 09:31:47 +0100