Usage: vpncloud [options] [--config ] [-t ] [-d ] [-l ] [-c ...] [-s ...] Options: --config Read configuration options from the specified file. -t , --type Set the type of network ("tap" or "tun"). [default: tap] -d , --device Name of the virtual device. [default: vpncloud%d] -m , --mode The mode of the VPN ("hub", "switch", "router", or "normal"). [default: normal] -l , --listen The port number on which to listen for data. [default: 3210] -c , --connect Address of a peer to connect to. -s , --subnet The local subnets to use. --magic Override the 4-byte magic header of each packet. --network-id Optional token that identifies the network. (DEPRECATED) --shared-key The shared key to encrypt all traffic. --crypto The encryption method to use ("aes256", or "chacha20"). [default: chacha20] --peer-timeout Peer timeout in seconds. --dst-timeout Switch table entry timeout in seconds. --ifup A command to setup the network interface. --ifdown A command to bring down the network interface. -v, --verbose Print debug information. -q, --quiet Only print errors and warnings. -h, --help Display the help. -V, --version Print the version and exit.