// VpnCloud - Peer-to-Peer VPN // Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Dennis Schwerdel // This software is licensed under GPL-3 or newer (see LICENSE.md) // This module implements a crypto core for encrypting and decrypting message streams // // The crypto core only encrypts and decrypts messages, using given keys. Negotiating and rotating the keys is out of // scope of the crypto core. The crypto core assumes that the remote node will always have the necessary key to decrypt // the message. // // The crypto core encrypts messages in place, writes some extra data (key id and nonce) into a given space and // includes the given header data in the authentication tag. When decrypting messages, the crypto core reads the extra // data, uses the key id to find the right key to decrypting the message and then decrypts the message, using the given // nonce and including the given header data in the verification of the authentication tag. // // While the core only uses a single key at a time for encrypting messages, it is ready to decrypt messages based on // one of 4 stored keys (the encryption key being one of them). An external key rotation is responsible for adding the // key to the remote peer before switching to the key on the local peer for encryption. // // As mentioned, the encryption and decryption works in place. Therefore the parameter payload_and_tag contains (when // decrypting) or provides space for (when encrypting) the payload and the authentication tag. When encrypting, that // means, that the last TAG_LEN bytes of payload_and_tag must be reserved for the tag and must not contain payload // bytes. // // The nonce is a value of 12 bytes (192 bits). Since both nodes can use the same key for encryption, the most // significant byte (msb) of the nonce is initialized differently on both peers: one peer uses the value 0x00 and the // other one 0x80. That means that the nonce space is essentially divided in two halves, one for each node. // // To save space and keep the encrypted data aligned to 64 bits, not all bytes of the nonce are transferred. Instead, // only 7 bytes are included in messages (another byte is used for the key id, hence 64 bit alignment). The rest of the // nonce is deduced by the nodes: All other bytes are assumed to be 0x00, except for the most significant byte, which // is assumed to be the opposite ones own msb. This has two nice effects: // 1) Long before the nonce could theoretically repeat, the messages can no longer be decrypted by the peer as the // higher bytes are no longer zero as assumed. // 2) By deducing the msb to be the opposite of ones own msb, it is no longer possible for an attacker to redirect a // message back to the sender because then the assumed nonce will be wrong and the message fails to decrypt. Otherwise, // this could lead to problems as nodes would be able to accidentally decrypt their own messages. // // In order to be resistent against replay attacks but allow for reordering of messages, the crypto core uses nonce // pinning. For every active key, the biggest nonce seen so far is being tracked. Every second, the biggest nonce seen // one second ago plus 1 becomes the minimum nonce that is accepted for that key. That means, that reordering can // happen within one second but after a second, old messages will not be accepted anymore. use byteorder::{ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt}; use ring::{ aead::{self, LessSafeKey, UnboundKey}, rand::{SecureRandom, SystemRandom} }; use std::{ io::{Cursor, Read, Write}, mem, time::{Duration, Instant} }; use crate::{error::Error, util::MsgBuffer}; const NONCE_LEN: usize = 12; pub const TAG_LEN: usize = 16; pub const EXTRA_LEN: usize = 8; fn random_data(size: usize) -> Vec { let rand = SystemRandom::new(); let mut data = vec![0; size]; rand.fill(&mut data).expect("Failed to obtain random bytes"); data } #[derive(PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Debug, Eq, Clone)] struct Nonce([u8; NONCE_LEN]); impl Nonce { fn zero() -> Self { Nonce([0; NONCE_LEN]) } fn random(rand: &SystemRandom) -> Self { let mut nonce = Nonce::zero(); rand.fill(&mut nonce.0[6..]).expect("Failed to obtain random bytes"); nonce } fn set_msb(&mut self, val: u8) { self.0[0] = val } fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8; NONCE_LEN] { &self.0 } fn increment(&mut self) { for i in (0..NONCE_LEN).rev() { let mut num = self.0[i]; num = num.wrapping_add(1); self.0[i] = num; if num > 0 { return } } } } struct CryptoKey { key: LessSafeKey, send_nonce: Nonce, min_nonce: Nonce, next_min_nonce: Nonce, seen_nonce: Nonce } impl CryptoKey { fn new(rand: &SystemRandom, key: LessSafeKey, nonce_half: bool) -> Self { let mut send_nonce = Nonce::random(&rand); send_nonce.set_msb(if nonce_half { 0x80 } else { 0x00 }); CryptoKey { key, send_nonce, min_nonce: Nonce::zero(), next_min_nonce: Nonce::zero(), seen_nonce: Nonce::zero() } } fn update_min_nonce(&mut self) { mem::swap(&mut self.min_nonce, &mut self.next_min_nonce); self.next_min_nonce = self.seen_nonce.clone(); self.next_min_nonce.increment(); } } pub struct CryptoCore { rand: SystemRandom, keys: [CryptoKey; 4], current_key: usize, nonce_half: bool } impl CryptoCore { pub fn new(key: LessSafeKey, nonce_half: bool) -> Self { let rand = SystemRandom::new(); let dummy_key_data = random_data(key.algorithm().key_len()); let dummy_key1 = LessSafeKey::new(UnboundKey::new(key.algorithm(), &dummy_key_data).unwrap()); let dummy_key2 = LessSafeKey::new(UnboundKey::new(key.algorithm(), &dummy_key_data).unwrap()); let dummy_key3 = LessSafeKey::new(UnboundKey::new(key.algorithm(), &dummy_key_data).unwrap()); Self { keys: [ CryptoKey::new(&rand, key, nonce_half), CryptoKey::new(&rand, dummy_key1, nonce_half), CryptoKey::new(&rand, dummy_key2, nonce_half), CryptoKey::new(&rand, dummy_key3, nonce_half) ], current_key: 0, nonce_half, rand } } pub fn encrypt(&mut self, buffer: &mut MsgBuffer) { let data_start = buffer.get_start(); let data_length = buffer.len(); assert!(buffer.get_start() >= EXTRA_LEN); buffer.set_start(data_start - EXTRA_LEN); buffer.set_length(data_length + EXTRA_LEN + TAG_LEN); let (extra, data_and_tag) = buffer.message_mut().split_at_mut(EXTRA_LEN); let (data, tag_space) = data_and_tag.split_at_mut(data_length); let key = &mut self.keys[self.current_key]; key.send_nonce.increment(); { let mut extra = Cursor::new(extra); extra.write_u8(self.current_key as u8).unwrap(); extra.write_all(&key.send_nonce.as_bytes()[5..]).unwrap(); } let nonce = aead::Nonce::assume_unique_for_key(*key.send_nonce.as_bytes()); let tag = key.key.seal_in_place_separate_tag(nonce, aead::Aad::empty(), data).expect("Failed to encrypt"); tag_space.clone_from_slice(tag.as_ref()); } fn decrypt_with_key(key: &mut CryptoKey, nonce: Nonce, data_and_tag: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { if nonce < key.min_nonce { return Err(Error::Crypto("Old nonce rejected")) } // decrypt let crypto_nonce = aead::Nonce::assume_unique_for_key(*nonce.as_bytes()); key.key .open_in_place(crypto_nonce, aead::Aad::empty(), data_and_tag) .map_err(|_| Error::Crypto("Failed to decrypt data"))?; // last seen nonce if key.seen_nonce < nonce { key.seen_nonce = nonce; } Ok(()) } pub fn decrypt(&mut self, buffer: &mut MsgBuffer) -> Result<(), Error> { assert!(buffer.len() >= EXTRA_LEN + TAG_LEN); let (extra, data_and_tag) = buffer.message_mut().split_at_mut(EXTRA_LEN); let key_id; let mut nonce; { let mut extra = Cursor::new(extra); key_id = extra.read_u8().map_err(|_| Error::Crypto("Input data too short"))? % 4; nonce = Nonce::zero(); extra.read_exact(&mut nonce.0[5..]).map_err(|_| Error::Crypto("Input data too short"))?; nonce.set_msb(if self.nonce_half { 0x00 } else { 0x80 }); } let key = &mut self.keys[key_id as usize]; let result = Self::decrypt_with_key(key, nonce, data_and_tag); buffer.set_start(buffer.get_start() + EXTRA_LEN); buffer.set_length(buffer.len() - TAG_LEN); result } pub fn rotate_key(&mut self, key: LessSafeKey, id: u64, use_for_sending: bool) { debug!("Rotated key {} (use for sending: {})", id, use_for_sending); let id = (id % 4) as usize; self.keys[id] = CryptoKey::new(&self.rand, key, self.nonce_half); if use_for_sending { self.current_key = id } } pub fn algorithm(&self) -> &'static aead::Algorithm { self.keys[self.current_key].key.algorithm() } pub fn every_second(&mut self) { // Set min nonce on all keys for k in &mut self.keys { k.update_min_nonce(); } } } pub fn create_dummy_pair(algo: &'static aead::Algorithm) -> (CryptoCore, CryptoCore) { let key_data = random_data(algo.key_len()); let sender = CryptoCore::new(LessSafeKey::new(UnboundKey::new(algo, &key_data).unwrap()), true); let receiver = CryptoCore::new(LessSafeKey::new(UnboundKey::new(algo, &key_data).unwrap()), false); (sender, receiver) } pub fn test_speed(algo: &'static aead::Algorithm, max_time: &Duration) -> f64 { let mut buffer = MsgBuffer::new(EXTRA_LEN); buffer.set_length(1000); let (mut sender, mut receiver) = create_dummy_pair(algo); let mut iterations = 0; let start = Instant::now(); while (Instant::now() - start).as_nanos() < max_time.as_nanos() { for _ in 0..1000 { sender.encrypt(&mut buffer); receiver.decrypt(&mut buffer).unwrap(); } iterations += 1000; } let duration = (Instant::now() - start).as_secs_f64(); let data = iterations * 1000 * 2; data as f64 / duration / 1_000_000.0 } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use ring::aead::{self, LessSafeKey, UnboundKey}; #[test] fn test_nonce() { let mut nonce = Nonce::zero(); assert_eq!(nonce.as_bytes(), &[0; 12]); nonce.increment(); assert_eq!(nonce.as_bytes(), &[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]); nonce.increment(); assert_eq!(nonce.as_bytes(), &[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2]); } fn test_encrypt_decrypt(algo: &'static aead::Algorithm) { let (mut sender, mut receiver) = create_dummy_pair(algo); let plain = random_data(1000); let mut buffer = MsgBuffer::new(EXTRA_LEN); buffer.clone_from(&plain); assert_eq!(&plain[..], buffer.message()); sender.encrypt(&mut buffer); assert_ne!(&plain[..], buffer.message()); receiver.decrypt(&mut buffer).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&plain[..], buffer.message()); } #[test] fn test_encrypt_decrypt_aes128() { test_encrypt_decrypt(&aead::AES_128_GCM) } #[test] fn test_encrypt_decrypt_aes256() { test_encrypt_decrypt(&aead::AES_256_GCM) } #[test] fn test_encrypt_decrypt_chacha() { test_encrypt_decrypt(&aead::CHACHA20_POLY1305) } fn test_tampering(algo: &'static aead::Algorithm) { let (mut sender, mut receiver) = create_dummy_pair(algo); let plain = random_data(1000); let mut buffer = MsgBuffer::new(EXTRA_LEN); buffer.clone_from(&plain); sender.encrypt(&mut buffer); let mut d = buffer.clone(); assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut d,).is_ok()); // Tamper with extra data byte 1 (subkey id) d = buffer.clone(); d.message_mut()[0] ^= 1; assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut d).is_err()); // Tamper with extra data byte 2 (nonce) d = buffer.clone(); d.message_mut()[1] ^= 1; assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut d).is_err()); // Tamper with data itself d = buffer.clone(); d.message_mut()[EXTRA_LEN] ^= 1; assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut d).is_err()); // Check everything still works d = buffer; assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut d).is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_tampering_aes128() { test_tampering(&aead::AES_128_GCM) } #[test] fn test_tampering_aes256() { test_tampering(&aead::AES_256_GCM) } #[test] fn test_tampering_chacha() { test_tampering(&aead::CHACHA20_POLY1305) } fn test_nonce_pinning(algo: &'static aead::Algorithm) { let (mut sender, mut receiver) = create_dummy_pair(algo); let plain = random_data(1000); let mut buffer = MsgBuffer::new(EXTRA_LEN); buffer.clone_from(&plain); sender.encrypt(&mut buffer); { let mut d = buffer.clone(); assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut d).is_ok()); } receiver.every_second(); { let mut d = buffer.clone(); assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut d).is_ok()); } receiver.every_second(); { let mut d = buffer; assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut d).is_err()); } let mut buffer = MsgBuffer::new(EXTRA_LEN); buffer.clone_from(&plain); sender.encrypt(&mut buffer); assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut buffer).is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_nonce_pinning_aes128() { test_nonce_pinning(&aead::AES_128_GCM) } #[test] fn test_nonce_pinning_aes256() { test_nonce_pinning(&aead::AES_256_GCM) } #[test] fn test_nonce_pinning_chacha() { test_nonce_pinning(&aead::CHACHA20_POLY1305) } fn test_key_rotation(algo: &'static aead::Algorithm) { let (mut sender, mut receiver) = create_dummy_pair(algo); let plain = random_data(1000); let mut buffer = MsgBuffer::new(EXTRA_LEN); buffer.clone_from(&plain); sender.encrypt(&mut buffer); assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut buffer).is_ok()); let new_key = random_data(algo.key_len()); receiver.rotate_key(LessSafeKey::new(UnboundKey::new(algo, &new_key).unwrap()), 1, false); receiver.encrypt(&mut buffer); assert!(sender.decrypt(&mut buffer).is_ok()); sender.encrypt(&mut buffer); assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut buffer).is_ok()); sender.rotate_key(LessSafeKey::new(UnboundKey::new(algo, &new_key).unwrap()), 1, true); receiver.encrypt(&mut buffer); assert!(sender.decrypt(&mut buffer).is_ok()); sender.encrypt(&mut buffer); assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut buffer).is_ok()); let new_key = random_data(algo.key_len()); sender.rotate_key(LessSafeKey::new(UnboundKey::new(algo, &new_key).unwrap()), 2, true); sender.encrypt(&mut buffer); assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut buffer).is_err()); receiver.encrypt(&mut buffer); assert!(sender.decrypt(&mut buffer).is_ok()); receiver.rotate_key(LessSafeKey::new(UnboundKey::new(algo, &new_key).unwrap()), 2, false); receiver.encrypt(&mut buffer); assert!(sender.decrypt(&mut buffer).is_ok()); sender.encrypt(&mut buffer); assert!(receiver.decrypt(&mut buffer).is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_key_rotation_aes128() { test_key_rotation(&aead::AES_128_GCM); } #[test] fn test_key_rotation_aes256() { test_key_rotation(&aead::AES_256_GCM); } #[test] fn test_key_rotation_chacha() { test_key_rotation(&aead::CHACHA20_POLY1305); } #[test] fn test_core_size() { assert_eq!(2384, mem::size_of::()); } #[test] fn test_speed_aes128() { let speed = test_speed(&aead::AES_128_GCM, &Duration::from_secs_f32(0.2)); assert!(speed > 10.0); } #[test] fn test_speed_aes256() { let speed = test_speed(&aead::AES_256_GCM, &Duration::from_secs_f32(0.2)); assert!(speed > 10.0); } #[test] fn test_speed_chacha() { let speed = test_speed(&aead::CHACHA20_POLY1305, &Duration::from_secs_f32(0.2)); assert!(speed > 10.0); } }