// VpnCloud - Peer-to-Peer VPN // Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Dennis Schwerdel // This software is licensed under GPL-3 or newer (see LICENSE.md) #![cfg_attr(feature = "bench", feature(test))] #[macro_use] extern crate log; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; #[cfg(test)] extern crate tempfile; #[cfg(feature = "bench")] extern crate test; #[macro_use] pub mod util; #[cfg(test)] #[macro_use] mod tests; pub mod beacon; #[cfg(feature = "bench")] mod benches; pub mod cloud; pub mod config; pub mod crypto; pub mod device; pub mod ethernet; pub mod ip; pub mod net; pub mod poll; pub mod port_forwarding; pub mod traffic; pub mod types; pub mod udpmessage; use docopt::Docopt; use std::{ fs::{self, File, Permissions}, io::{self, Write}, net::UdpSocket, os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt, path::Path, process::Command, str::FromStr, sync::Mutex }; use crate::{ cloud::GenericCloud, config::Config, crypto::{Crypto, CryptoMethod}, device::{Device, TunTapDevice, Type}, ethernet::SwitchTable, ip::RoutingTable, port_forwarding::PortForwarding, types::{Error, HeaderMagic, Mode, Protocol, Range}, util::{Duration, SystemTimeSource} }; const VERSION: u8 = 1; const MAGIC: HeaderMagic = *b"vpn\x01"; static USAGE: &str = include_str!("usage.txt"); #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Default)] pub struct Args { flag_config: Option, flag_type: Option, flag_device_path: Option, flag_mode: Option, flag_shared_key: Option, flag_crypto: Option, flag_subnet: Vec, flag_device: Option, flag_listen: Option, flag_network_id: Option, flag_magic: Option, flag_connect: Vec, flag_peer_timeout: Option, flag_keepalive: Option, flag_dst_timeout: Option, flag_beacon_store: Option, flag_beacon_load: Option, flag_beacon_interval: Option, flag_verbose: bool, flag_quiet: bool, flag_ifup: Option, flag_ifdown: Option, flag_version: bool, flag_no_port_forwarding: bool, flag_daemon: bool, flag_pid_file: Option, flag_stats_file: Option, flag_user: Option, flag_group: Option, flag_log_file: Option } struct DualLogger { file: Mutex> } impl DualLogger { pub fn new>(path: Option

) -> Result { if let Some(path) = path { let path = path.as_ref(); if path.exists() { fs::remove_file(path)? } let file = File::create(path)?; Ok(DualLogger { file: Mutex::new(Some(file)) }) } else { Ok(DualLogger { file: Mutex::new(None) }) } } } impl log::Log for DualLogger { #[inline] fn enabled(&self, _metadata: &log::Metadata) -> bool { true } #[inline] fn log(&self, record: &log::Record) { if self.enabled(record.metadata()) { println!("{} - {}", record.level(), record.args()); let mut file = self.file.lock().expect("Lock poisoned"); if let Some(ref mut file) = *file { let time = time::OffsetDateTime::now_local().format("%F %T"); writeln!(file, "{} - {} - {}", time, record.level(), record.args()) .expect("Failed to write to logfile"); } } } #[inline] fn flush(&self) { let mut file = self.file.lock().expect("Lock poisoned"); if let Some(ref mut file) = *file { try_fail!(file.flush(), "Logging error: {}"); } } } fn run_script(script: &str, ifname: &str) { let mut cmd = Command::new("sh"); cmd.arg("-c").arg(&script).env("IFNAME", ifname); debug!("Running script: {:?}", cmd); match cmd.status() { Ok(status) => { if !status.success() { error!("Script returned with error: {:?}", status.code()) } } Err(e) => error!("Failed to execute script {:?}: {}", script, e) } } enum AnyTable { Switch(SwitchTable), Routing(RoutingTable) } enum AnyCloud { Switch(GenericCloud, UdpSocket, SystemTimeSource>), Routing(GenericCloud) } impl AnyCloud

{ #[allow(unknown_lints, clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn new( config: &Config, device: TunTapDevice, table: AnyTable, learning: bool, broadcast: bool, addresses: Vec, crypto: Crypto, port_forwarding: Option, stats_file: Option ) -> Self { match table { AnyTable::Switch(t) => { AnyCloud::Switch(GenericCloud::< TunTapDevice, P, SwitchTable, UdpSocket, SystemTimeSource >::new( config, device, t, learning, broadcast, addresses, crypto, port_forwarding, stats_file )) } AnyTable::Routing(t) => { AnyCloud::Routing(GenericCloud::::new( config, device, t, learning, broadcast, addresses, crypto, port_forwarding, stats_file )) } } } fn ifname(&self) -> &str { match *self { AnyCloud::Switch(ref c) => c.ifname(), AnyCloud::Routing(ref c) => c.ifname() } } fn run(&mut self) { match *self { AnyCloud::Switch(ref mut c) => c.run(), AnyCloud::Routing(ref mut c) => c.run() } } fn connect(&mut self, a: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { match *self { AnyCloud::Switch(ref mut c) => c.connect(a), AnyCloud::Routing(ref mut c) => c.connect(a) } } fn add_reconnect_peer(&mut self, a: String) { match *self { AnyCloud::Switch(ref mut c) => c.add_reconnect_peer(a), AnyCloud::Routing(ref mut c) => c.add_reconnect_peer(a) } } } #[allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity)] fn run(config: Config) { let device = try_fail!( TunTapDevice::new(&config.device_name, config.device_type, config.device_path.as_ref().map(|s| s as &str)), "Failed to open virtual {} interface {}: {}", config.device_type, config.device_name ); info!("Opened device {}", device.ifname()); let mut ranges = Vec::with_capacity(config.subnets.len()); for s in &config.subnets { ranges.push(try_fail!(Range::from_str(s), "Invalid subnet format: {} ({})", s)); } let dst_timeout = config.dst_timeout; let (learning, broadcasting, table) = match config.mode { Mode::Normal => { match config.device_type { Type::Tap => (true, true, AnyTable::Switch(SwitchTable::new(dst_timeout, 10))), Type::Tun => (false, false, AnyTable::Routing(RoutingTable::new())), Type::Dummy => (false, false, AnyTable::Switch(SwitchTable::new(dst_timeout, 10))) } } Mode::Router => (false, false, AnyTable::Routing(RoutingTable::new())), Mode::Switch => (true, true, AnyTable::Switch(SwitchTable::new(dst_timeout, 10))), Mode::Hub => (false, true, AnyTable::Switch(SwitchTable::new(dst_timeout, 10))) }; let crypto = match config.shared_key { Some(ref key) => Crypto::from_shared_key(config.crypto, key), None => Crypto::None }; let port_forwarding = if config.port_forwarding { PortForwarding::new(config.listen.port()) } else { None }; let stats_file = match config.stats_file { None => None, Some(ref name) => { let path = Path::new(name); if path.exists() { try_fail!(fs::remove_file(path), "Failed to remove file {}: {}", name); } let file = try_fail!(File::create(name), "Failed to create stats file: {}"); try_fail!( fs::set_permissions(name, Permissions::from_mode(0o644)), "Failed to set permissions on stats file: {}" ); Some(file) } }; let mut cloud = AnyCloud::

::new(&config, device, table, learning, broadcasting, ranges, crypto, port_forwarding, stats_file); if let Some(script) = config.ifup { run_script(&script, cloud.ifname()); } for addr in config.peers { try_fail!(cloud.connect(&addr as &str), "Failed to send message to {}: {}", &addr); cloud.add_reconnect_peer(addr); } if config.daemonize { info!("Running process as daemon"); let mut daemonize = daemonize::Daemonize::new(); if let Some(user) = config.user { daemonize = daemonize.user(&user as &str); } if let Some(group) = config.group { daemonize = daemonize.group(&group as &str); } if let Some(pid_file) = config.pid_file { daemonize = daemonize.pid_file(pid_file).chown_pid_file(true); } try_fail!(daemonize.start(), "Failed to daemonize: {}"); } else if config.user.is_some() || config.group.is_some() { info!("Dropping privileges"); let mut pd = privdrop::PrivDrop::default(); if let Some(user) = config.user { pd = pd.user(user); } if let Some(group) = config.group { pd = pd.group(group); } try_fail!(pd.apply(), "Failed to drop privileges: {}"); } cloud.run(); if let Some(script) = config.ifdown { run_script(&script, cloud.ifname()); } } fn main() { let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE).and_then(|d| d.deserialize()).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit()); if args.flag_version { println!("VpnCloud v{}, protocol version {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), VERSION); return } let logger = try_fail!(DualLogger::new(args.flag_log_file.as_ref()), "Failed to open logfile: {}"); log::set_boxed_logger(Box::new(logger)).unwrap(); assert!(!args.flag_verbose || !args.flag_quiet); log::set_max_level(if args.flag_verbose { log::LevelFilter::Debug } else if args.flag_quiet { log::LevelFilter::Error } else { log::LevelFilter::Info }); let mut config = Config::default(); if let Some(ref file) = args.flag_config { info!("Reading config file '{}'", file); let f = try_fail!(File::open(file), "Failed to open config file: {:?}"); let config_file = try_fail!(serde_yaml::from_reader(f), "Failed to load config file: {:?}"); config.merge_file(config_file) } config.merge_args(args); debug!("Config: {:?}", config); match config.device_type { Type::Tap => run::(config), Type::Tun => run::(config), Type::Dummy => run::(config) } }