AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: | VpnCloud Websocket Proxy This will configure a websocket proxy to be used with VpnCloud. Versions: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS + VpnCloud 2.1.0 Parameters: LatestAmiId: Description: "Image to use (just leave this as it is)" Type: 'AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value' Default: '/aws/service/canonical/ubuntu/server/20.04/stable/current/arm64/hvm/ebs-gp2/ami-id' AllowedValues: - '/aws/service/canonical/ubuntu/server/20.04/stable/current/arm64/hvm/ebs-gp2/ami-id' Resources: ProxySecurityGroup: Type: 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' Properties: GroupDescription: Enable HTTP access via port 80 and any UDP port SecurityGroupIngress: - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: '80' ToPort: '80' CidrIp: - IpProtocol: udp FromPort: '1024' ToPort: '65535' CidrIp: LaunchTemplate: Type: AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate DependsOn: - ProxySecurityGroup Properties: LaunchTemplateData: ImageId: !Ref LatestAmiId SecurityGroups: - !Ref ProxySecurityGroup InstanceMarketOptions: MarketType: spot InstanceType: t4g.nano TagSpecifications: - ResourceType: instance Tags: - Key: Name Value: VpnCloud WS Proxy CreditSpecification: CpuCredits: standard BlockDeviceMappings: - DeviceName: /dev/sda1 Ebs: VolumeType: standard VolumeSize: '8' DeleteOnTermination: 'true' Encrypted: 'false' UserData: Fn::Base64: !Sub | #cloud-config packages: - iperf3 - socat runcmd: - wget -O /tmp/vpncloud.deb - dpkg -i /tmp/vpncloud.deb - nohup vpncloud ws-proxy -l 80 & ProxyInstance: Type: 'AWS::EC2::Instance' DependsOn: - LaunchTemplate Properties: LaunchTemplate: LaunchTemplateId: Ref: LaunchTemplate Version: 1 Outputs: ProxyURL: Description: URL to use in VpnCloud config Value: !Join - '' - - 'ws://' - !GetAtt - ProxyInstance - PublicDnsName - ':80'