use crate::{config::Config, crypto::Crypto, device, types::Mode}; use dialoguer::{theme::ColorfulTheme, Confirm, Input, MultiSelect, Password, Select}; use ring::aead; use std::{collections::HashMap, fs, io, os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt, path::Path}; const MODE_SIMPLE: usize = 0; const MODE_ADVANCED: usize = 1; const MODE_EXPERT: usize = 2; fn str_list(s: String) -> Vec { if s.is_empty() { vec![] } else { s.split(',').map(|k| k.trim().to_string()).collect() } } fn str_opt(s: String) -> Option { if s.is_empty() { None } else { Some(s) } } fn configure_connectivity(config: &mut Config, mode: usize, theme: &ColorfulTheme) -> Result<(), io::Error> { if mode >= MODE_ADVANCED { config.listen = Input::with_theme(theme).with_prompt("Listen address").default(config.listen.clone()).interact_text()?; } config.peers = str_list( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Peer addresses (comma separated)") .default(config.peers.join(",")) .interact_text()? ); if mode >= MODE_ADVANCED { config.port_forwarding = Confirm::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Enable automatic port forwarding?") .default(config.port_forwarding) .interact()?; } if mode == MODE_EXPERT { config.peer_timeout = Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Peer timeout (in seconds)") .default(config.peer_timeout) .interact_text()?; let val = Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Keepalive interval (in seconds, 0 for default)") .default(config.keepalive.unwrap_or_default()) .interact_text()?; config.keepalive = if val == 0 { None } else { Some(val) }; } Ok(()) } fn configure_crypto(config: &mut Config, mode: usize, theme: &ColorfulTheme) -> Result<(), io::Error> { if (config.crypto.password.is_some() || config.crypto.private_key.is_some()) && !Confirm::with_theme(theme).with_prompt("Create new crypto config?").default(false).interact()? { return Ok(()) } let mut use_password = true; if mode >= MODE_ADVANCED { use_password = Select::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Crypto configuration method") .items(&["Simple (Password)", "Complex (Key pair)"]) .default(if config.crypto.private_key.is_some() { 1 } else { 0 }) .interact()? == 0 } if use_password { config.crypto.password = Some( Password::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Password") .with_confirmation("Confirm password", "Passwords do not match") .interact()? ); config.crypto.private_key = None; config.crypto.public_key = None; config.crypto.trusted_keys = vec![]; } else { config.crypto.password = None; let (priv_key, pub_key) = match Select::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Specify key pair") .items(&["Generate new key pair", "Enter private key", "Generate from password"]) .default(0) .interact()? { 0 => { let (priv_key, pub_key) = Crypto::generate_keypair(None); info!("Private key: {}", priv_key); info!("Public key: {}", pub_key); (priv_key, pub_key) } 1 => { let priv_key = Password::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Private key") .with_confirmation("Confirm private key", "Keys do not match") .interact()?; let pub_key = try_fail!(Crypto::public_key_from_private_key(&priv_key), "Invalid private key: {:?}"); info!("Public key: {}", pub_key); (priv_key, pub_key) } 2 => { let password = Password::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Password") .with_confirmation("Confirm password", "Passwords do not match") .interact()?; let (priv_key, pub_key) = Crypto::generate_keypair(Some(&password)); info!("Private key: {}", priv_key); info!("Public key: {}", pub_key); (priv_key, pub_key) } _ => unreachable!() }; config.crypto.trusted_keys = str_list( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Trusted keys (public keys, comma separated)") .default(pub_key.clone()) .interact_text()? ); config.crypto.private_key = Some(priv_key); config.crypto.public_key = Some(pub_key); } if mode == MODE_EXPERT { let (unencrypted, allowed_algos) = Crypto::parse_algorithms(&config.crypto.algorithms) .map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Invalid crypto algorithms"))?; let algos = MultiSelect::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Allowed encryption algorithms (select multiple)") .items_checked(&[ ("Unencrypted (dangerous)", unencrypted), ("AES-128 in GCM mode", allowed_algos.contains(&&aead::AES_128_GCM)), ("AES-256 in GCM mode", allowed_algos.contains(&&aead::AES_256_GCM)), ("ChaCha20-Poly1305 (RFC 7539)", allowed_algos.contains(&&aead::CHACHA20_POLY1305)) ]) .interact()?; config.crypto.algorithms = vec![]; for (id, name) in &[(0, "PLAIN"), (1, "AES128"), (2, "AES256"), (3, "CHACHA20")] { if algos.contains(id) { config.crypto.algorithms.push(name.to_string()); } } } Ok(()) } fn configure_device(config: &mut Config, mode: usize, theme: &ColorfulTheme) -> Result<(), io::Error> { if mode >= MODE_ADVANCED { config.device_type = match Select::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Device type") .items(&["Tun (IP based)", "Tap (Ethernet based)"]) .default(if config.device_type == device::Type::Tun { 0 } else { 1 }) .interact()? { 0 => device::Type::Tun, 1 => device::Type::Tap, _ => unreachable!() } } if mode == MODE_EXPERT { config.device_name = Input::with_theme(theme).with_prompt("Device name").default(config.device_name.clone()).interact_text()?; config.device_path = str_opt( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Device path (empty for default)") .default(config.device_path.as_ref().cloned().unwrap_or_default()) .interact_text()? ); config.fix_rp_filter = Confirm::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Automatically fix insecure rp_filter settings") .default(config.fix_rp_filter) .interact()?; config.mode = match Select::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Operation mode") .items(&["Normal", "Router", "Switch", "Hub"]) .default(match config.mode { Mode::Normal => 0, Mode::Router => 1, Mode::Switch => 2, Mode::Hub => 3 }) .interact()? { 0 => Mode::Normal, 1 => Mode::Router, 2 => Mode::Switch, 3 => Mode::Hub, _ => unreachable!() }; if config.mode == Mode::Switch { config.switch_timeout = Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Switch timeout (in seconds") .default(config.switch_timeout) .interact_text()?; } } Ok(()) } fn configure_addresses(config: &mut Config, mode: usize, theme: &ColorfulTheme) -> Result<(), io::Error> { config.ip = str_opt( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Virtual IP address (e.g., leave empty for none)") .allow_empty(true) .default(config.ip.as_ref().cloned().unwrap_or_default()) .interact_text()? ); if config.device_type == device::Type::Tun { if mode >= MODE_ADVANCED { config.auto_claim = Confirm::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Automatically claim IP set on virtual interface?") .default(config.auto_claim) .interact()?; } if mode == MODE_EXPERT { = str_list( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Claim additional addresses (e.g., comma separated, leave empty for none)") .allow_empty(true) .default(",")) .interact_text()? ); } } else { = vec![]; } if mode == MODE_EXPERT { config.ifup = str_opt( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Interface setup command (leave empty for none)") .allow_empty(true) .default(config.ifup.as_ref().cloned().unwrap_or_default()) .interact_text()? ); config.ifdown = str_opt( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Interface tear down command (leave empty for none)") .allow_empty(true) .default(config.ifdown.as_ref().cloned().unwrap_or_default()) .interact_text()? ); } Ok(()) } fn configure_beacon(config: &mut Config, mode: usize, theme: &ColorfulTheme) -> Result<(), io::Error> { if mode == MODE_EXPERT && Confirm::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Configure beacons?") .default(config.beacon_load.is_some() || config.beacon_store.is_some()) .interact()? { config.beacon_store = match Select::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("How to store beacons") .items(&["Do not store beacons", "Store to file", "Execute command"]) .default(if let Some(v) = &config.beacon_store { if v.starts_with('|') { 2 } else { 1 } } else { 0 }) .interact()? { 0 => None, 1 => { Some( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("File path") .default(config.beacon_store.clone().unwrap_or_default()) .interact_text()? ) } 2 => { Some(format!( "|{}", Input::::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Command") .default(config.beacon_store.clone().unwrap_or_default().trim_start_matches('|').to_string()) .interact_text()? )) } _ => unreachable!() }; config.beacon_load = match Select::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("How to load beacons") .items(&["Do not load beacons", "Load from file", "Execute command"]) .default(if let Some(v) = &config.beacon_load { if v.starts_with('|') { 2 } else { 1 } } else { 0 }) .interact()? { 0 => None, 1 => { Some( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("File path") .default(config.beacon_load.clone().unwrap_or_default()) .interact_text()? ) } 2 => { Some(format!( "|{}", Input::::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Command") .default(config.beacon_load.clone().unwrap_or_default().trim_start_matches('|').to_string()) .interact_text()? )) } _ => unreachable!() }; config.beacon_interval = Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Beacon interval (in seconds)") .default(config.beacon_interval) .interact_text()?; config.beacon_password = str_opt( Password::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Beacon password (leave empty for none)") .with_confirmation("Confirm password", "Passwords do not match") .allow_empty_password(true) .interact()? ); } Ok(()) } fn configure_stats(config: &mut Config, mode: usize, theme: &ColorfulTheme) -> Result<(), io::Error> { if mode >= MODE_ADVANCED { config.stats_file = str_opt( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Write stats to file (empty to disable)") .default(config.stats_file.clone().unwrap_or_default()) .allow_empty(true) .interact_text()? ); } if mode == MODE_EXPERT { if Confirm::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Send statistics to statsd server?") .default(config.statsd_server.is_some()) .interact()? { config.statsd_server = str_opt( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Statsd server URL") .default(config.statsd_server.clone().unwrap_or_default()) .allow_empty(true) .interact_text()? ); config.statsd_prefix = str_opt( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Statsd prefix") .default(config.statsd_prefix.clone().unwrap_or_default()) .allow_empty(true) .interact_text()? ); } else { config.statsd_server = None; } } Ok(()) } fn configure_process(config: &mut Config, mode: usize, theme: &ColorfulTheme) -> Result<(), io::Error> { if mode == MODE_EXPERT { config.user = str_opt( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Run as different user (empty to disable)") .default(config.user.clone().unwrap_or_default()) .allow_empty(true) .interact_text()? ); = str_opt( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Run as different group (empty to disable)") .default( .allow_empty(true) .interact_text()? ); config.pid_file = str_opt( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Write process id to file (empty to disable)") .default(config.pid_file.clone().unwrap_or_default()) .allow_empty(true) .interact_text()? ); } Ok(()) } fn configure_hooks(config: &mut Config, mode: usize, theme: &ColorfulTheme) -> Result<(), io::Error> { if mode == MODE_EXPERT { if Confirm::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Set hooks to react on events?") .default(config.hook.is_some() || !config.hooks.is_empty()) .interact()? { config.hook = str_opt( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt("Command to execute for all events (empty to disable)") .default(config.hook.clone().unwrap_or_default()) .allow_empty(true) .interact_text()? ); let mut hooks: HashMap = Default::default(); for event in &[ "peer_connecting", "peer_connected", "peer_disconnected", "device_setup", "device_configured", "vpn_started", "vpn_shutdown" ] { if let Some(cmd) = str_opt( Input::with_theme(theme) .with_prompt(format!("Command to execute for event '{}' (empty to disable)", event)) .default(config.hooks.get(*event).cloned().unwrap_or_default()) .allow_empty(true) .interact_text()? ) { hooks.insert(event.to_string(), cmd); } } config.hooks = hooks; } else { config.hook = None; config.hooks = Default::default(); } } Ok(()) } pub fn configure(name: Option) -> Result<(), io::Error> { let theme = ColorfulTheme::default(); let name = if let Some(name) = name { name } else { let mut names = vec![]; for file in fs::read_dir("/etc/vpncloud")? { names.push(file?.path().file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string()); } let selection = Select::with_theme(&theme).with_prompt("Which network?").item("New network").items(&names).interact()?; if selection > 0 { names[selection - 1].clone() } else { Input::with_theme(&theme).with_prompt("Network name").interact_text()? } }; let mut config = Config::default(); let file = Path::new("/etc/vpncloud").join(format!("{}.net", name)); if file.exists() { let f = fs::File::open(&file)?; let config_file = serde_yaml::from_reader(f) .map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Failed to parse config file"))?; config.merge_file(config_file); } if file.parent().unwrap().metadata()?.permissions().readonly() { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, "Config file not writable")) } loop { let mode = Select::with_theme(&theme) .with_prompt("Configuration mode") .items(&["Simple (minimal options)", "Advanced (some more options)", "Expert (all options)"]) .default(MODE_SIMPLE) .interact()?; configure_connectivity(&mut config, mode, &theme)?; configure_crypto(&mut config, mode, &theme)?; configure_device(&mut config, mode, &theme)?; configure_addresses(&mut config, mode, &theme)?; configure_beacon(&mut config, mode, &theme)?; configure_stats(&mut config, mode, &theme)?; configure_process(&mut config, mode, &theme)?; configure_hooks(&mut config, mode, &theme)?; if Confirm::with_theme(&theme).with_prompt("Finish configuration?").default(true).interact()? { break } } if Confirm::with_theme(&theme).with_prompt("Save config?").default(true).interact()? { let config_file = config.into_config_file(); let f = fs::File::create(&file)?; serde_yaml::to_writer(f, &config_file) .map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Failed to parse config file"))?; fs::set_permissions(file, fs::Permissions::from_mode(0o600))?; println!(); println!("Use the following commands to control your VPN:"); println!(" start the VPN: sudo service vpncloud@{0} start", name); println!(" stop the VPN: sudo service vpncloud@{0} stop", name); println!(" get the status: sudo service vpncloud@{0} status", name); println!(" add VPN to autostart: sudo sysctl enable vpncloud@{0}", name); println!(" remove VPN from autostart: sudo sysctl disable vpncloud@{0}", name); } Ok(()) }