mod core; mod init; mod rotate; pub use self::core::{EXTRA_LEN, TAG_LEN}; use self::{ core::{test_speed, CryptoCore}, init::{InitResult, InitState, CLOSING}, rotate::RotationState }; use crate::{ error::Error, types::NodeId, util::{from_base62, to_base62, MsgBuffer} }; use ring::{ aead::{self, Algorithm, LessSafeKey, UnboundKey}, agreement::{EphemeralPrivateKey, UnparsedPublicKey}, pbkdf2, rand::{SecureRandom, SystemRandom}, signature::{Ed25519KeyPair, KeyPair, ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN} }; use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec}; use std::{fmt::Debug, io::Read, num::NonZeroU32, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use thiserror::Error; const SALT: &[u8; 32] = b"vpncloudVPNCLOUDvpncl0udVpnCloud"; const INIT_MESSAGE_FIRST_BYTE: u8 = 0xff; const MESSAGE_TYPE_ROTATION: u8 = 0x10; pub type Ed25519PublicKey = [u8; ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]; pub type EcdhPublicKey = UnparsedPublicKey>; pub type EcdhPrivateKey = EphemeralPrivateKey; pub type Key = SmallVec<[u8; 32]>; const DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS: [&str; 3] = ["AES128", "AES256", "CHACHA20"]; #[cfg(test)] const SPEED_TEST_TIME: f32 = 0.02; #[cfg(not(test))] const SPEED_TEST_TIME: f32 = 0.1; const ROTATE_INTERVAL: usize = 120; pub trait Payload: Debug + PartialEq + Sized { fn write_to(&self, buffer: &mut MsgBuffer); fn read_from(r: R) -> Result; } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Algorithms { pub algorithm_speeds: SmallVec<[(&'static Algorithm, f32); 3]>, pub allow_unencrypted: bool } #[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case", deny_unknown_fields, default)] pub struct Config { pub password: Option, pub private_key: Option, pub public_key: Option, pub trusted_keys: Vec, pub algorithms: Vec } pub struct Crypto { node_id: NodeId, key_pair: Arc, trusted_keys: Arc<[Ed25519PublicKey]>, algorithms: Algorithms } impl Crypto { pub fn new(node_id: NodeId, config: &Config) -> Result { let key_pair = if let Some(priv_key) = &config.private_key { if let Some(pub_key) = &config.public_key { Self::parse_keypair(priv_key, pub_key)? } else { Self::parse_private_key(priv_key)? } } else if let Some(password) = &config.password { Self::keypair_from_password(password) } else { return Err(Error::InvalidConfig("Either private_key or password must be set")) }; let mut trusted_keys = vec![]; for tn in &config.trusted_keys { trusted_keys.push(Self::parse_public_key(tn)?); } if trusted_keys.is_empty() { info!("Trusted keys not set, trusting only own public key"); let mut key = [0; ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]; key.clone_from_slice(key_pair.public_key().as_ref()); trusted_keys.push(key); } let mut algos = Algorithms { algorithm_speeds: smallvec![], allow_unencrypted: false }; let algorithms = config.algorithms.iter().map(|a| a as &str).collect::>(); let allowed = if algorithms.is_empty() { &DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS } else { &algorithms as &[&str] }; let duration = Duration::from_secs_f32(SPEED_TEST_TIME); let mut speeds = Vec::new(); for name in allowed { let algo = match &name.to_uppercase() as &str { "UNENCRYPTED" | "NONE" | "PLAIN" => { algos.allow_unencrypted = true; warn!("Crypto settings allow unencrypted connections"); continue } "AES128" | "AES128_GCM" | "AES_128" | "AES_128_GCM" => &aead::AES_128_GCM, "AES256" | "AES256_GCM" | "AES_256" | "AES_256_GCM" => &aead::AES_256_GCM, "CHACHA" | "CHACHA20" | "CHACHA20_POLY1305" => &aead::CHACHA20_POLY1305, _ => return Err(Error::InvalidConfig("Unknown crypto method")) }; let speed = test_speed(algo, &duration); algos.algorithm_speeds.push((algo, speed as f32)); speeds.push((name, speed as f32)); } if !speeds.is_empty() { info!( "Crypto speeds: {}", speeds.into_iter().map(|(a, s)| format!("{}: {:.1} MiB/s", a, s)).collect::>().join(", ") ); } Ok(Self { node_id, key_pair: Arc::new(key_pair), trusted_keys: trusted_keys.into_boxed_slice().into(), algorithms: algos }) } pub fn generate_keypair(password: Option<&str>) -> (String, String) { let mut bytes = [0; 32]; match password { None => { let rng = SystemRandom::new(); rng.fill(&mut bytes).unwrap(); } Some(password) => { pbkdf2::derive( pbkdf2::PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA256, NonZeroU32::new(4096).unwrap(), SALT, password.as_bytes(), &mut bytes ); } } let keypair = Ed25519KeyPair::from_seed_unchecked(&bytes).unwrap(); let privkey = to_base62(&bytes); let pubkey = to_base62(keypair.public_key().as_ref()); (privkey, pubkey) } fn keypair_from_password(password: &str) -> Ed25519KeyPair { let mut key = [0; 32]; pbkdf2::derive(pbkdf2::PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA256, NonZeroU32::new(4096).unwrap(), SALT, password.as_bytes(), &mut key); Ed25519KeyPair::from_seed_unchecked(&key).unwrap() } fn parse_keypair(privkey: &str, pubkey: &str) -> Result { let privkey = from_base62(privkey).map_err(|_| Error::InvalidConfig("Failed to parse private key"))?; let pubkey = from_base62(pubkey).map_err(|_| Error::InvalidConfig("Failed to parse public key"))?; let keypair = Ed25519KeyPair::from_seed_and_public_key(&privkey, &pubkey) .map_err(|_| Error::InvalidConfig("Keys rejected by crypto library"))?; Ok(keypair) } fn parse_private_key(privkey: &str) -> Result { let privkey = from_base62(privkey).map_err(|_| Error::InvalidConfig("Failed to parse private key"))?; let keypair = Ed25519KeyPair::from_seed_unchecked(&privkey) .map_err(|_| Error::InvalidConfig("Key rejected by crypto library"))?; Ok(keypair) } fn parse_public_key(pubkey: &str) -> Result { let pubkey = from_base62(pubkey).map_err(|_| Error::InvalidConfig("Failed to parse public key"))?; if pubkey.len() != ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN { return Err(Error::InvalidConfig("Failed to parse public key")) } let mut result = [0; ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]; result.clone_from_slice(&pubkey); Ok(result) } pub fn peer_instance(&self, payload: P) -> PeerCrypto

{ PeerCrypto::new( self.node_id, payload, self.key_pair.clone(), self.trusted_keys.clone(), self.algorithms.clone() ) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum MessageResult { Message(u8), Initialized(P), InitializedWithReply(P), Reply, None } pub struct PeerCrypto { #[allow(dead_code)] node_id: NodeId, init: Option>, rotation: Option, unencrypted: bool, core: Option, rotate_counter: usize } impl PeerCrypto

{ pub fn new( node_id: NodeId, init_payload: P, key_pair: Arc, trusted_keys: Arc<[Ed25519PublicKey]>, algorithms: Algorithms ) -> Self { Self { node_id, init: Some(InitState::new(node_id, init_payload, key_pair, trusted_keys, algorithms)), rotation: None, unencrypted: false, core: None, rotate_counter: 0 } } fn get_init(&mut self) -> Result<&mut InitState

, Error> { if let Some(init) = &mut self.init { Ok(init) } else { Err(Error::InvalidCryptoState("Initialization already finished")) } } fn get_core(&mut self) -> Result<&mut CryptoCore, Error> { if let Some(core) = &mut self.core { Ok(core) } else { Err(Error::InvalidCryptoState("Crypto core not ready yet")) } } fn get_rotation(&mut self) -> Result<&mut RotationState, Error> { if let Some(rotation) = &mut self.rotation { Ok(rotation) } else { Err(Error::InvalidCryptoState("Key rotation not initialized")) } } pub fn initialize(&mut self, out: &mut MsgBuffer) -> Result<(), Error> { let init = self.get_init()?; if init.stage() != init::STAGE_PING { Err(Error::InvalidCryptoState("Initialization already ongoing")) } else { init.send_ping(out); out.prepend_byte(INIT_MESSAGE_FIRST_BYTE); Ok(()) } } pub fn is_ready(&self) -> bool { self.core.is_some() } pub fn algorithm_name(&self) -> &'static str { if let Some(ref core) = self.core { let algo = core.algorithm(); if algo == &aead::CHACHA20_POLY1305 { "chacha20" } else if algo == &aead::AES_128_GCM { "aes128" } else if algo == &aead::AES_256_GCM { "aes256" } else { unreachable!() } } else { "plain" } } fn handle_init_message(&mut self, buffer: &mut MsgBuffer) -> Result, Error> { let result = self.get_init()?.handle_init(buffer)?; if !buffer.is_empty() { buffer.prepend_byte(INIT_MESSAGE_FIRST_BYTE); } match result { InitResult::Continue => Ok(MessageResult::Reply), InitResult::Success { peer_payload, is_initiator } => { self.core = self.get_init()?.take_core(); if self.core.is_none() { self.unencrypted = true; } if self.get_init()?.stage() == init::CLOSING { self.init = None } if self.core.is_some() { self.rotation = Some(RotationState::new(!is_initiator, buffer)); } if !is_initiator { if self.unencrypted { return Ok(MessageResult::Initialized(peer_payload)) } assert!(!buffer.is_empty()); buffer.prepend_byte(MESSAGE_TYPE_ROTATION); self.encrypt_message(buffer)?; } Ok(MessageResult::InitializedWithReply(peer_payload)) } } } fn handle_rotate_message(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { if self.unencrypted { return Ok(()) } if let Some(rot) = self.get_rotation()?.handle_message(data)? { let core = self.get_core()?; let algo = core.algorithm(); let key = LessSafeKey::new(UnboundKey::new(algo, &rot.key[..algo.key_len()]).unwrap()); core.rotate_key(key,, rot.use_for_sending); } Ok(()) } fn encrypt_message(&mut self, buffer: &mut MsgBuffer) -> Result<(), Error> { if self.unencrypted { return Ok(()) } self.get_core()?.encrypt(buffer); Ok(()) } fn decrypt_message(&mut self, buffer: &mut MsgBuffer) -> Result<(), Error> { if self.unencrypted { return Ok(()) } self.get_core()?.decrypt(buffer) } pub fn handle_message(&mut self, buffer: &mut MsgBuffer) -> Result, Error> { if buffer.is_empty() { return Err(Error::InvalidCryptoState("No message in buffer")) } if is_init_message(buffer.buffer()) { debug!("Received init message"); buffer.take_prefix(); self.handle_init_message(buffer) } else { debug!("Received encrypted message"); self.decrypt_message(buffer)?; let msg_type = buffer.take_prefix(); if msg_type == MESSAGE_TYPE_ROTATION { debug!("Received rotation message"); self.handle_rotate_message(buffer.buffer())?; buffer.clear(); Ok(MessageResult::None) } else { Ok(MessageResult::Message(msg_type)) } } } pub fn send_message(&mut self, type_: u8, buffer: &mut MsgBuffer) -> Result<(), Error> { assert_ne!(type_, MESSAGE_TYPE_ROTATION); buffer.prepend_byte(type_); self.encrypt_message(buffer) } pub fn every_second(&mut self, out: &mut MsgBuffer) -> Result, Error> { out.clear(); if let Some(ref mut core) = self.core { core.every_second() } if let Some(ref mut init) = self.init { init.every_second(out)?; } if self.init.as_ref().map(|i| i.stage()).unwrap_or(CLOSING) == CLOSING { self.init = None } if !out.is_empty() { out.prepend_byte(INIT_MESSAGE_FIRST_BYTE); return Ok(MessageResult::Reply) } if let Some(ref mut rotate) = self.rotation { self.rotate_counter += 1; if self.rotate_counter >= ROTATE_INTERVAL { self.rotate_counter = 0; if let Some(rot) = rotate.cycle(out) { let core = self.get_core()?; let algo = core.algorithm(); let key = LessSafeKey::new(UnboundKey::new(algo, &rot.key[..algo.key_len()]).unwrap()); core.rotate_key(key,, rot.use_for_sending); } if !out.is_empty() { out.prepend_byte(MESSAGE_TYPE_ROTATION); self.encrypt_message(out)?; return Ok(MessageResult::Reply) } } } Ok(MessageResult::None) } } pub fn is_init_message(msg: &[u8]) -> bool { !msg.is_empty() && msg[0] == INIT_MESSAGE_FIRST_BYTE } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::types::NODE_ID_BYTES; fn create_node(config: &Config) -> PeerCrypto> { let rng = SystemRandom::new(); let mut node_id = [0; NODE_ID_BYTES]; rng.fill(&mut node_id).unwrap(); let crypto = Crypto::new(node_id, config).unwrap(); crypto.peer_instance(vec![]) } #[test] fn normal() { let config = Config { password: Some("test".to_string()), ..Default::default() }; let mut node1 = create_node(&config); let mut node2 = create_node(&config); let mut msg = MsgBuffer::new(16); node1.initialize(&mut msg).unwrap(); assert!(!msg.is_empty()); debug!("Node1 -> Node2"); let res = node2.handle_message(&mut msg).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res, MessageResult::Reply); assert!(!msg.is_empty()); debug!("Node1 <- Node2"); let res = node1.handle_message(&mut msg).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res, MessageResult::InitializedWithReply(vec![])); assert!(!msg.is_empty()); debug!("Node1 -> Node2"); let res = node2.handle_message(&mut msg).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res, MessageResult::InitializedWithReply(vec![])); assert!(!msg.is_empty()); debug!("Node1 <- Node2"); let res = node1.handle_message(&mut msg).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res, MessageResult::None); assert!(msg.is_empty()); let mut buffer = MsgBuffer::new(16); let rng = SystemRandom::new(); buffer.set_length(1000); rng.fill(buffer.message_mut()).unwrap(); for _ in 0..1000 { node1.send_message(1, &mut buffer).unwrap(); let res = node2.handle_message(&mut buffer).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res, MessageResult::Message(1)); match node1.every_second(&mut msg).unwrap() { MessageResult::None => (), MessageResult::Reply => { let res = node2.handle_message(&mut msg).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res, MessageResult::None); } other => assert_eq!(other, MessageResult::None) } match node2.every_second(&mut msg).unwrap() { MessageResult::None => (), MessageResult::Reply => { let res = node1.handle_message(&mut msg).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res, MessageResult::None); } other => assert_eq!(other, MessageResult::None) } } } }