use std::{ collections::{HashMap, VecDeque}, io::{self, ErrorKind}, net::{SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, SocketAddrV6, UdpSocket}, os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, RawFd}, sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering} }; use super::util::{get_internal_ip, MockTimeSource, Time, TimeSource}; use net2::UdpBuilder; pub trait Socket: AsRawFd + Sized { fn listen_v4(host: &str, port: u16) -> Result; fn listen_v6(host: &str, port: u16) -> Result; fn receive(&mut self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(usize, SocketAddr), io::Error>; fn send(&mut self, data: &[u8], addr: SocketAddr) -> Result; fn address(&self) -> Result; fn detect_nat(&self) -> bool; } impl Socket for UdpSocket { fn listen_v4(host: &str, port: u16) -> Result { UdpBuilder::new_v4().expect("Failed to obtain ipv4 socket builder").bind((host, port)) } fn listen_v6(host: &str, port: u16) -> Result { UdpBuilder::new_v6() .expect("Failed to obtain ipv4 socket builder") .only_v6(true) .expect("Failed to set only_v6") .bind((host, port)) } fn receive(&mut self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(usize, SocketAddr), io::Error> { self.recv_from(buffer) } fn send(&mut self, data: &[u8], addr: SocketAddr) -> Result { self.send_to(data, addr) } fn address(&self) -> Result { self.local_addr() } fn detect_nat(&self) -> bool { get_internal_ip().is_private() } } thread_local! { static MOCK_SOCKET_NAT: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); } pub struct MockSocket { nat: bool, nat_peers: HashMap, address: SocketAddr, outbound: VecDeque<(SocketAddr, Vec)>, inbound: VecDeque<(SocketAddr, Vec)> } impl MockSocket { pub fn new(address: SocketAddr) -> Self { Self { nat: Self::get_nat(), nat_peers: HashMap::new(), address, outbound: VecDeque::new(), inbound: VecDeque::new() } } pub fn set_nat(nat: bool) { MOCK_SOCKET_NAT.with(|t|, Ordering::SeqCst)) } pub fn get_nat() -> bool { MOCK_SOCKET_NAT.with(|t| t.load(Ordering::SeqCst)) } pub fn put_inbound(&mut self, from: SocketAddr, data: Vec) -> bool { if !self.nat { self.inbound.push_back((from, data)); return true } if let Some(timeout) = self.nat_peers.get(&from) { if *timeout >= MockTimeSource::now() { self.inbound.push_back((from, data)); return true } } warn!("Sender {:?} is filtered out by NAT", from); false } pub fn pop_outbound(&mut self) -> Option<(SocketAddr, Vec)> { self.outbound.pop_front() } } impl AsRawFd for MockSocket { fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd { unimplemented!() } } impl Socket for MockSocket { fn listen_v4(host: &str, port: u16) -> Result { let ip = try_fail!(host.parse(), "Failed to parse IPv4 address: {}"); Ok(Self::new(SocketAddr::V4(SocketAddrV4::new(ip, port)))) } fn listen_v6(host: &str, port: u16) -> Result { let ip = try_fail!(host.parse(), "Failed to parse IPv6 address: {}"); Ok(Self::new(SocketAddr::V6(SocketAddrV6::new(ip, port, 0, 0)))) } fn receive(&mut self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(usize, SocketAddr), io::Error> { if let Some((addr, data)) = self.inbound.pop_front() { buffer[].copy_from_slice(&data); Ok((data.len(), addr)) } else { Err(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "nothing in queue")) } } fn send(&mut self, data: &[u8], addr: SocketAddr) -> Result { self.outbound.push_back((addr, data.to_owned())); if self.nat { self.nat_peers.insert(addr, MockTimeSource::now() + 300); } Ok(data.len()) } fn address(&self) -> Result { Ok(self.address) } fn detect_nat(&self) -> bool { self.nat } }