# TinyTinyRSS Cloudron App This repository contains the Cloudron app package source for [TinyTinyRSS](https://tt-rss.org/). ## Installation [![Install](https://cloudron.io/img/button.svg)](https://cloudron.io/button.html?app=org.tt_rss.cloudronapp) or using the [Cloudron command line tooling](https://cloudron.io/references/cli.html) ``` cloudron install --appstore-id org.tt_rss.cloudronapp ``` ## Building The app package can be built using the [Cloudron command line tooling](https://cloudron.io/references/cli.html). ``` cd tinytinyrss-app cloudron build cloudron install ``` ## Notes * tt-rss now uses a rolling release model * tt-rss themes require a fixed version header at the top of the theme's css. See includes/version.php in tt-rss code base (VERSION_STATIC). ## Testing The e2e tests are located in the `test/` folder and require [nodejs](http://nodejs.org/). They are creating a fresh build, install the app on your Cloudron, perform tests, backup, restore and test if things are ok. ``` cd tinytinyrss-app/test npm install USERNAME= PASSWORD= mocha --bail test.js ```