
123 lines
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* Initial version
* Updated to base image 0.10.0
* Supporting extensions
* No longer overwriting all config changes
* Using cli scripts
* Using scheduler for periodic task
* Removed update menu item
* Updated to FreshRSS 1.6.3
* Removed most custom patches (FreshRSS includes those now)
* Add parameter to allow for encoded slashes (thanks @Richard)
* Updated description (thanks @Girish)
* Not using mysql port as this causes an error
* Storing sessions in /run
* Storing api logs in /tmp
* Set some php options
* Updated to FreshRSS 1.7.0
* Updated to FreshRSS 1.8.0
* Update to FreshRSS 1.9.0
* Update to FreshRSS 1.10.2
* Better apache configs
* Update extensions
* Fix issue where static extension assets were not served
* Update FreshRSS to 1.11.0
* Update FreshRSS to to 1.11.1
* Update FreshRSS to 1.11.2
* Use latest base image
* Update FreshRSS to 1.12.0
* Features
* Ability to add labels (custom tags) to articles #928
* Handle article tags containing spaces, as well as comma-separated tags #2023
* Handle authors containing spaces, as well as comma or semi-colon separated authors #2025
* Searches by tag, author, etc. accept Unicode characters #2025
* New option to disable cache for feeds with invalid HTTP caching #2052
* UI
* New theme Swage #2069
* Click on authors to initiate a search by author #2025
* Fix CSS for button alignments in older Chrome versions #2020
* Security
* Improved flow for password change (avoid error 403) #2056
* Allow dot . in username (best to avoid, though) #2061
* Performance
* Remove some counterproductive preload / prefetch rules #2040
* Improved fast flush (earlier transfer, fetching of resources, and rendering) #2045
* Update FreshRSS to 1.13.0
* [Full changelog](
* Improvements to the Google Reader API #2093
* Support for Vienna RSS (client for Mac OS X) #2091
* Ability to import XML files exported from Tiny-Tiny-RSS #2079
* Ability to show all the feeds that have a warning #2146
* Share with Pinboard #1972
* Fix security issue where root directory was exposed
* Enable mod rewrite for mobile apps like FeedMe to work
* Update FreshRSS to 1.13.1
* Update FreshRSS to 1.14.0
* Update extensions to 0812ee05c24c
* Update FreshRSS to 1.14.1
* Fix load more articles when using ascending order #2314
* Fix the use of arrow keyboard keys for shortcuts #2316
* Fix control+click or middle-click for opening articles in a background tab #2310
* Fix the naming of the option to unfold categories #2307
* Fix shortcut problem when using unfolded articles #2328
* Fix auto-hiding articles #2323
* Fix scroll functions with Edge #2337
* Fix drop-down menu warning #2353
* Fix delay for individual mark-as-read actions #2332
* Fix scroll functions in Edge #2337
* Update FreshRSS to 1.14.2
* Fix minor code syntax warning in API #2362
* Update FreshRSS to 1.14.3
* New configuration page for each category #2369
* Update shortcut configuration page #2405
* CSS style for printing #2149
* Do not hide multiple <br /> tags #2437
* Updated to jQuery 3.4.1 (only for statistics page) #2424